Tuesday, May 5, 2009

An activists description of a bull fight and the placing of the Banderillos

Interestingly enough, the expression “bullfight” is actually a fight between a matador armed with swards (matador meaning killer in Spanish) and a confused, stunned, psychiclay and physically abused bull(they should check their spelling). These magnificent animals that skid off and fall down the hard streets of Pamplona during the bull run are killed in a barbaric fashion later on – all in the name of “tradition”.

Regardless of it being “historic and traditional”,(how many times have these two words been used in defending the circus or animal/elephant training?) bullfighting consists of torturing, mutilating and slaughtering animals for fun! A scientific study conducted at the Salamanca University in Spain revealed that more than 20% of the bulls are drugged before entering the arena. From a sample of 200 bulls, it was discovered that every fifth bull was drugged with too large dosages of medicine against infections, which disguise injuries and chronically weak out the animal.

The banderilleros enter the arena on foot and run around the bull to distract it and set banderillas in the bulls` back. sticks with harpoon tops. When the bull is completely exhausted from loosing blood, banderillos run in circles around it, until it get so dizzy that it can no longer run after them.

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