Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tandem Act/Double High School

Some of our reader may not know what a double high school act, or as we call them in the Colonies a tandem act, that John eloquently described in writing is. As it is an "old" circus act photo's are had to find and the above one while not the best is the best I could find. In the back of the picture you will see two groups of horses, one in from of the other. As John states, one horse is ridden and one is driven and controlled with long lines, performing behaviors that are mirror's of the ridden and long lined horse.

That was a great description of what you saw John, and I thank you for the great review once again. It gives folks here a real good idea of the quality of shows in Europe during Christmas Festival Season. I am a bit alarmed to not there was no cage act. Did they not have cage acts in the past?


Anonymous said...

Really interesting information John. There are a couple acts out in the horse world, one in particular that rides and drives two up front. They jump, do some cantor routines, a little passage and bows, People eat it up. I tried it years ago but being me I always wanted my front horse to look exactly like my back horse as I mean completely collected and brilliant and performing the big tricks. I accomplished half but did not have enough hands to bridle them as I needed. LOL. The main thing I didn't see in an act like that was the complete forward and up into the bridle look instead the front horse kind of went like a poor liberty act.

Anonymous said...

As an after thought I think I would like to try it again. After watching Wade train the liberty act and learning new techniques I may be able to pull off what I conceive to be the look I want.

I also wanted to Long Line two-three horses abreast but never have had the luxury of enough matched horses and since the U.S. market is not seduced any longer by talent just numbers I feel it would be an expensive proposition for a self serving accomplishment. In fact I have so many ideas I have to shut them down because it is in the end, only my desire to "see if it can be done." There certainly would be no way to have it support itself in the market today.

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
Listen to you. I want to walk a horse up steps, and piaffe him on a 4 ft. high stage, and I'm a dreamer!! LOL
I should think side check should not be an issue on the line horses. They are common in the early stages of the airs at the SRS. Some one who is comfortable and versed in the legs, pushing a horse into the bit should see that without that aid, keeping it on the bit with side check should be advantageous. I think with 3 you would be limited to basic behaviors. Two I should think would be very do able, assuming the horse you are mounted on is trained to a La Garroche level of legs only. That would give the opportunity to have lines in each hand, or to use the aid of a long whip in the early training to correct the front end of the line horse if necessary.
I should also think riding a blooded Arabian, and driving two Fresians, giving the impression that the Arab is the "boss" and the better, smarter horse would be the best way to go. LOL
And you are right. I see some of this shake a hanky, pick up the whip stuff and I get ill. There is a lot of "feel good, run Bambi run," nonsense in the horse shows today. When they quite using lash whips with cats, it opened up a new world of abuse that the "huggers" aren't versed enough to see, and I thought it was a shame. When they try to convince me a bit is wrong, that's when I draw the line and say, "are you shitting me. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

Madame Col.
That "forward and up" that you rightfully crave, would be facilitated with the side checks and the right "push" from the mounted horse behind. With just lines, you will always get a sloppy look, and I am with you. If you don't do it clean, precise, and as close to perfect as possible, don't do it. You just trash what it should be.