Sunday, January 18, 2009

Response to the Elephant Sanctuary "puppy love" video

I don't care what you say this is world "piece" right here. A back may get wrenched, but I don' t see it being broken.

Courtesy of Jason Peters


B.E.Trumble said...

I'm speechless. Even the enclosure at the zoo in Guatemala City is better maintained. That's not a pool per se, that's standing water and poor drainage. I'm surprised we don't see garbage floating on the surface.

Wade G. Burck said...

That's how different people see things. You see a pool with standing water and garbage floating on the surface. Mary Ann would see a jacuzzi at the Dirty Weekend Hotel and bath beads floating on the surface. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wade, how would you know? Or were you getting carried away by your fantasies? LOL
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
I was just referencing the "love debacle" at the Cincinnati zoo, when Dr. Ruth Howell attempted to set coitus protocol with the ruling that if "she had to be gutted, in keeping with fair play, his nuts have to be on the cutting board also." LOL

Anonymous said...

Wade, for the record, she wasn't gutted, and I did not want his nuts on the cutting board, which is what happened to him. I would have wanted him to have a vasectomy, so that they could have recreational sex, which didn't happen, as you know. I have since been educated as to why that might not have been a good idea.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
I'm sorry. I thought she had had a hysterectomy.

Anonymous said...

Wade, no she is still intact.
Mary Ann