Sunday, January 18, 2009

Liberty acts from a couple of days ago with better "paper" in their element

How important is the proper element, and self serving paper in what we are seeing?


Anonymous said...

Wade, I am stunned that the second act in both posts is Sylvia Zerbini. In their proper element, this is a beautiful act, but in the open rodeo arena it was tense and out of control. Regarding the first act in both posts, Yvette Bellucci De Rocchi, I thought it was a beautiful act that did not need the self serving paper.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Most people knew who it was, say what they will, that was the reason there was an apprehension for comment, with the exception of Col. Herriott, who called it in aces. It was not a trick question as was suggested. It was a follow up to Lorenzo the Flying Frenchman and having the proper venue/environment, smoke and mirrors if you will to look great. I promise my same tiger act looked a thousand times better on Ringling with a million dollars worth of spot lights then it did on a smaller show with a hundred dollar worth of light. If the two acts were judged by "supposed" Monte Carlo standards of creativity, costuming, presentation Sylvia dropping down from the trapeze and doing less of an act would win hands down. In difficulty Yvette in a more traditional costume, and a better trained act would win hands down.
In regards to the two videos of these talented ladies earlier, try to convince me being familiar with the person performing doesn't have an affect on the outcome, honor system be damed. LOL

Anonymous said...

Once again we see mistakes [or at least I do] when presenting without harness. Slyvia is a general routine very well presented and she has sure upgraded the hind leg horses.

The other act is par excellence in every respect. As good as it gets. Wow. Who is the trainer and who is the presenter, or are both? What circus. Flavios liberty is always very good, but this was excellent.

We must admire Sylvia for putting together her style of act-presentation.

Wade G. Burck said...

Col. Herriott,
You are absolutely dead on with that statement.