Monday, January 19, 2009

Gettng on the "fast track" to becoming a "soft target"

What do these statements say to the circus and circus animals and the justification for them:

Reason for coming to the Sanctuary – Flora’s guardian, David Balding, decided she needed to live in a psychological and physically healthy environment.

Once orphaned, she was purchased by an elephant trainer and broker in Southern California. Flora was one of two baby elephants that were used to teach a course in elephant training.

David Balding introduced Flora to the world of circus in 1985. After years of performing, Flora began to mature and life on the road no longer met her needs. David realized that Flora no longer enjoyed performing so in 2001 he began to research options for her retirement. Flora resided temporarily at the Miami Metro Zoo in Florida, while David searched for a permanent home for her. He was determined to find a home for Flora that would satisfy both her physical and psychological needs.

The Elephant Sanctuary was involved in assisting David in his search for a safe and healthy environment for Flora. The Sanctuary fully supported David's desire to send Flora back to Africa if that move would ensure that Flora would be safe in the wild environment. Just about this time the Elephant Sanctuary decided to expand their facilities to include African elephants. As soon as David learned that the Sanctuary was going African he approached Carol and asked if there was room for Flora. David asked, "What would it take to build a stall for Flora?" "If we raise the funds, will you add a stall for Flora?" The Sanctuary could not say no. After two years of searching, David had finally found a healthy environment for Flora to live out the remainder of her life. In May 2003 the plans were laid for Flora's retirement to The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee.

Flora, who spent nearly two decades traveling with the circus, has finally found her African home and family.

"Imagine you are a member of the public. What would you think of the circus after reading statements from a "circus owner" above and the actions of the principality of Monaco below, where the world Circus Festival is held each year?" On top of the hypocrisies and "self serving" paper there were "soft money" donations given, which for some reason are so offensive. The circus world is so happy just to have a Prince and a Princess acknowledge them, they can't see past the rose colored cocktail glasses. Shame on anyone who pretends they have the interests of circus animals at heart by endorsing Monaco as well as Circus Flora.

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