Sunday, November 2, 2008

New births today at Marcan Manor 11-02-08

Halloween in Tiger Land

Courtesy of my personal physician

Tarpon Springs Zoo revisited

Yesterday, I asked zoo historian Richard Reynolds if he had any information about this place. If he doesn't do about something he can sure find out.

From Charlie Hoessle (ex-St Louis Zoo Director) to Jim Alexander (11-1-08)
Tarpon Zoo was owned by Trudy Jerkins, and, Mike Tsalikis. Trudy ran the place, and Fred Penman was the Manager. Mike spent most of his time in the Amazon, where they had holding places in Leticia. Berencia, and other ports, along the Amazon. They were major sources for Zoo animals, especially Pink Porpoises, Giant River Otters, Tapirs, and all the great Reptiles and Amphibians, and Birds of the area..
Ralph Curtis ran their Hollywood, Florida branch, which was close to the airport, and received the stock, and helped in the transition to Tarpon Springs. Tarpon Zoo was a big operation.
They supplied many specimens to St. Louis, under Marlin Perkins, Vierheller, and Hoff. They were a major source of baby boas, baby iguanas, baby caiman, baby side-necked and assorted herps, to me when I had my Pet Shop, in the '50's.
Ralph sold me a baby Crocodile, which I sold, and bought back, as it got older. I brought it to the St. Louis Zoo, when I arrived in 1963..Before I retired, we sent it to Cincinnati, where it is on the display, probably one of the biggest American Crocs, in the country..Ed was going to name it "Charlie", after me, but instead, he named it "Marlin", after, guess who..(More Famous)
Trudy still lives down there. Mike is in prison, a result of "Drug Related" charges, which he maintains, he was always innocent.
Ralph Curtis stays in touch with both of them....I forwarded your E-mail to him...He is collecting information on early animal dealers, and, Roadside Zoos..I think he plans on writing a book...(Historical).
Jim Alexander added - - -
I thought Charlie would know about the Tarpon Zoo. They might have been the source of the giant river otters we had in STL.
Ken Kawata added - - -
Yes, Mike T. (last we heard he was in federal prison for drug dealing) had a zoo in Tarpon Springs, in which Herman Reichenbach used to work as a young man. In the summer of 1979 in Leticia, Colombia (or was it in Peru then?) I went to see his compound; he was very kind and showed me around. In a separated location in Tarpon Springs Bob and Mae Noel had a place for great apes, chimps, orangs and a male gorilla. I visited them in the summer or 1972, time was tight and I regret that I skipped Mike's zoo. Ken

Ralph Curtis Publishing, Inc.

Thank you RJR and learned gentlemen who offered insight.

Calgary Zoo elephant calf diagnosed with life-threatening disease

Michelle Butterfield, Calgary Herald

Published: Friday, October 31, 2008

According to officials at the Calgary Zoo, one of the youngest animals in the zoo family has been diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease.

Baby elephant Malti was diagnosed with elephant herpesvirus today, and veterinarians and zoo keepers have dedicated around-the-clock medical care to the young calf.

"There's no doubt that this is a very critical situation," said zoo veterinarians Sandie Black and Doug Whiteside in a press release about the young calf, who is in critical condition.

According to the doctors, only four elephants have survived the illness and each time depended on early treatment. Earlier this week Malti began showing flu-like symptoms. Vets started her on an an anti-viral treatment right away and sent her blood tests for analysis.

"It's heartbreaking. Everybody loves her and had worked very hard to get her through her first year. It's pretty devastating," said Calgary Zoo spokeswoman Laurie Herron.

Elephant herpesvirus is responsible for the death of nearly a dozen North American elephants in the past 20 years.

Although the survival rate is poor, there is minimal risk to adult elephants. As well, there have never been any evidence to suggest the virus could transfer to humans or other species.

Courtesy of Mary Ann

Bottlenose dolphin X False killer whale

Sea Life Park, Hawaii

Puma X Leopard Hybrid

Great vintage GGW

Courtesy of Marco

Alex Lacey

Courtesy of Rob

Robert Baudy

Robert Baudy-- One of America's great cage act's of old.

Courtesy of Jim Cole

For Chris

Here's another look at Cartier who is in training with Dianne Olds Rossi.

Government Regulated Wild Animal Trainer's License?

A number of week's ago I raised the issue here and on the "history channel" asking what is a Government issued Animal Trainers license, as I was lead to believe for years it was a license qualifying your expertise as an animal trainer. Again it is a subject that nobody wants to touch publicly. I assumed a large number of individuals with the "license" would have been pleased and proud to set the record straight. For years when American Animal Trainers heard someone say, "I am a Government Regulated Animal Trainer," in interviews or publicly, we looked at each other and said, "what is that?" It has lead a vast amount of people to think that if you have one, you are more qualified then someone who doesn't have one, or they aren't as qualified as you. Yet not a single Animal Trainer from around the world on two blogs asking for clarification, felt a need to "clarify." It is called "self serving paper," and there are few thing's in this industry that don't need clarification for that exact reason. Below is the only response's that were forthcoming on the "history channel.":

Wade G. Burck said...

What is a "Government Registered Animal Trainer?" I have attempted to find out about that for a number of years, but can't seem to find any information about it. The folks I know who are "registered" are pretty closed lipped about it. Apparently you get a card or certificate, but nobody has offered to show me one. Is it just in the United Kingdom or is it worldwide. Who is required to become registered, and what are the requirements?
Thank you,
Wade Burck

08 October, 2008 10:28

Anonymous Sue Lenz said...

As Rudi & I have been in the USA for the last forty years, I am not sure what the requirements are now in the UK as far as “Government Registered Animal Trainer.” are concerned.

I can tell you that it used to be that everyone that worked with animals had to have a “Performing Animal (Regulation) Act 1925” Certificate of Registration.

You had to list which animals you were working with and also list every trick and prop used. Also the address of where the animals are to be trained.

I got mine in 1955 and had to get it updated a few times when I started to work with different animals.
I still have mine and find it fun to read, Then one realizes how fortunate I was to grow up in UK and had the opportunity of working in so many acts with animals.

On my certificate the animals listed, 12 Ponies, 7 Liberty Horses,
2 High School Horses, (That I never did) but Bertram Mills Circus added it, 24 Dogs, 3 Sea-lions, 2 Elephants, 9 Cats, 40 Pigeons, 4 Flamingos, 4 Geese, 2 Toucans, 4 Cranes, 2 Cockatoos, 3 Macaws, 8 Chimpanzees.

As Rudi never worked with any other animal other than chimps, his just says 8 Chimpanzees.

08 October, 2008 20:06

Blogger Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. So it's not like an actual test/exam for example a Doctor or Lawyer would take, or a truck driver would take to get a CDL? I have searched the internet and any other sources available for a number of years for information about qualifying. I have been told everyone has to have one, regardless of Nationality to train/work/present animals in Europe and Great Britain, yet as I say I can find no information at all about it. I haven't even been able to get somebody to show me their card/document/diploma etc. Possibly information will be forthcoming in an open forum.
Gosh Sue, folks are going to assume Rudy has been like an anchor around you neck. LOL Maybe we should point out that by "specializing" he became better then anybody else at his chosen craft.

08 October, 2008 22:58

I had a number of private responses, so we have to assume everybody missed the post on the "history channel" as well as here. So we will give Animal Trainers of the world another opportunity for "clarification" of a Government Regulated Wild Animal Trainer. We also have an organization here in America called USDA which requires, an Exibitor's Permit, and it speaks nothing to the Training skill of the individual holding it. What do you think?

From Europe--"This Government Trainers thing.....I agree more or less with you.
What is this thing of qualification on European blogs? Crazy"

From England--"I too have a feeling that the government regulation bit is self-created. That said, as a certain person has a "farm" where his animals spend the off-season, he will need official clearance for that, to ensure that the animals are well cared for, and that there will be no danger to the public from escaped animals."

From the United States--I emailed the secretary of the states office in Bristol England to ask about applying for a wild animal trainers license. Some one there sent me this link and said I would have to list specific animals I intended to import, or what and whose animals I intended to train while working in the UK. This looks alot like the USDA application, and doesn't have much to do with "training"

Camel X Llama(looks like a Guanaco)

At two months of age

At 2 years of age

Leopard X Lion

Ti-Liger Tiger X Liger

I am assuming this would make this animal 3/4 tiger and 1/4 lion


Although I promised not to run any of the 22 or
23 videos I have, in this case this one is very good.
It has been a long haul for Casey and he is getting
close to the end. Just get her to stop, "NOW" the
moment you say "WHOA" You have got your
distance finally, you have her looking up at you,
and you got a proper whip. Excellent. You are
ready to head down the home stretch. Keep at
it, you are only about 3 to 4 weeks from the finish

This is a great job, but apply early. The line is long!

courtesy of FtfrkGary

Martin Lacey Jr. and ??

Courtesy of Elmar