Sunday, November 2, 2008


Although I promised not to run any of the 22 or
23 videos I have, in this case this one is very good.
It has been a long haul for Casey and he is getting
close to the end. Just get her to stop, "NOW" the
moment you say "WHOA" You have got your
distance finally, you have her looking up at you,
and you got a proper whip. Excellent. You are
ready to head down the home stretch. Keep at
it, you are only about 3 to 4 weeks from the finish


Anonymous said...

that's awesome, casey. nicely done!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic, Casey! We plan on coming a couple of times when you come through here next year. If you have a similar schedule, it will be a great way to spend my birthday again. And yes, you do look awesome in your costumes, no matter what the fat lady says.
Mary Ann

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Thanks Rambly Ranis,
We get home next week, and will be home till Feb. You really should head south in the winter for a visit.

Thanks Mary Ann,
We will be there around the same time. You and Joe can come as many times as you like.

Anonymous said...

"head south in the winter for a visit"

is that code for: "come clean cages and feed cats" ?!?

Anonymous said...

just kidding. you know i like cleaning cages.