Saturday, December 6, 2008
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A Blog designed for discussion of topics related to, but not limited to, Circus, Zoos, Animal Training, and Animal Welfare/Husbandry. Sometimes opening up the dialog is the best starting point of all. And if for nothing else when people who agree and don't agree, get together and start discussing it, it will open up a lot of peoples minds. Debate and discussion even amongst themselves opens a window where there wasn't one before.
It's obviously "force me to sit on this goddam stool day after day and one day I'm going to rip your fucking ass to shreds"
Looks mounted to me. Is it alive?
I looked closer and saw the cage in the back so I'm guessing it is alive.
Let's see, if it was a horse, somebody could be scratchin it or it could be tranq'd or it could be depressed or..........I don't know Wade.......gimme a hint.......
Then again, is he plotting???
I would have said cynical/suspicious. If you are talking scratching like a horse's withers or tail dock I would expect a look of ecstasy, eyes rolling up/back.
So my 3rd response(Plotting) was correct. I would have been kitty chow had I been in there...LOL
But thanks for taxing my brain. Good for it every so often...
Fresia says, " I'm the boss"
I say content,confident.
My words would be ," Are you going out dressed like that?"
but what do we know she is 9 and I am clueless.
Human emotion,
Well its like you are at a dance hall, you brought the hottest thing in 7 counties with you, and she is nowdoin the boot scoot boogie with some urban cowboy to some cheesy Kenny Chesney song asking if you feel like staying a little longer cause they start playing techno and rap after 11:30.
How in the world do you equate "plotting" with suspicion/cynicism?. I think you and the anonymous above are "assuming" because it is a feline it is dangerous. But that's ok, because we are seeing what the public perceives. Different animal public, who might look at it through their particular animal eyes, and the none animal people who may want to see what they want to see. The question again was, what "human" emotion not animal emotion. I guess Casey doesn't want to try? LOL
P.S. I'm in North Dakota. Nipples are chaffed raw, so I am going to be late. You don't have a clue about cold. LOL
Thats good. That looks/sounds pretty suspicious/cynical. LOL
" Are you going out dressed like that" sounds/looks pretty suspicious/cynical to me.
And shouldn't I assume "that because it's a feline it's dangerous"?
Any horse is dangerous if you don't have any experience with horses..
I think you need to explain that your response should have been under the half naked cowboy where I posted my freezing comment..LOL
Human emotion, the word that comes to mind is "seething." Like the fifth time in an hour that I tell my kid to do something, but can't actually make him do it for one reason on another. In reality however I think the whole look on the cat is a physical reaction to the lighting.
So who get's the prize? I recommend Burt's Bees hand salve for cracked nipples or
even better Lanolin.
wait I don't think Suspicious,cynical are true emotions !!!!they are more like actions not emotional states.
Just my opinion
Bag/Teat Balm, second to none.
Lighting!!!!!! I have never seen a cat squint in the brightest spotlight, unless the just woke up.
lanolin on the money!!!Burt's bees just smells good!
After watching the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe... and now Prince Caspian for the 3rd time.. and since the Aslan character is one of my all time favorites...I'd have to say..... on the "human emotion" (perhaps heavenly too) side of this lion's expression.. there's a look of empathy, concern, maybe a bit of disappointment shrouding an expression of deep sadness...
or, perhaps the expression commiuncates "justice is mine!"
Since I don't have a frame of reference from "inside" the ring/cage that could cause me to think more practically about the danger I or someone else might be it in..... I have to stick with my optimistic spiritual idealism that someday this awesome lion.... and a lamb... could somehow co-exist and live in harmony without eating each other.
With that said, I'd still love to see the lion kick the White Witches ass like my "main man Aslan" does in the movie! She was a beeeeooootch!
Wade, my smack talk and psychological observations will get better after I've a a few beers!
They just called hospice in for our dear Uncle George.... cancer sucks! Judy and our family covet your prayers and the prayers in the circus community.
What do you see in their expressions?
ps The Burt's Bees and teats discussion sent me and my dirty old man mind to my "happy place!" LOL
Let me help.
Teat or bag balm is a salve used to soothe irritation on a cow's udder caused by the tugging and pulling of the teats during the milking process. You owe me buddy. That's gotta be better then the Penthouse Forum. LOL
Since Duke is getting clobbered by Michigan, I'd rather get back to the teats discussion. I hear "utter butter" is a good product... good friends from Iowa swear by it.
RE the question at hand. photo number 4 seems to be saying step back or I'll kill you.....
Is the Tiger photo saying that too? It seems to me that 1 and 4 are counter intuitive.
Utter Butter is sophisticates way of saying Bag Balm. Living on a farm there are still medical marvels undiscovered.
How about wearing a thermal undershirt made of silk to ease your raw chaffed situation?
Thanks for the suggestion. Do you know if Bag Balm stains or discolors silk, and if so should I wear something under the silk?
Sorry to say but just about everything stains silk. Have you tried Palmer's coco butter? It's very soothing and smells way better than that cow udder stuff! Some triple anti-biotic ointment would probably be a good bet too.
You apparently haven't smelt cow udder stuff melted and blended with apple and spice candlewax.
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