Thursday, November 20, 2008

Keeping it balanced

This link, suggests at something that may not be there. While they say pictures do not lie, I also suggest pictures may tell you what you want to hear. An important picture to the telling of the story can not be enlarged to really tell what it is. Not knowing why at is I ask and this was the response:
"Wade, I don't know the answer to this, so I called Joe at work. He said that the person sending or uploading the picture can reduce the pixel density." If this is the case, then the whole link, story, and what happened is suspect. I would think they would want every picture to be crystal clear to validate their claims. When I enlarged it slightly, I saw a rope going over the elephants head, which as we see above is not uncommon or inhumane in the moving of a large animal. I have used ropes to "flip" or pull over and restrain a horse, which was in need of medical attention. An elephant can turn into an instant "Gumby" if it does not want to go someplace or do something it doesn't want to do. The picture may show a pad, towel, blanket laid on the elephants head to prevent a rope burn from the rope. No a burn is not bad, any more then us receiving a "burn from a pulled rope. Just a slight pain and discomfort. I would consider the history of an individual as a whole in making a decision, but I would not necessarily point a finger by the pictures that were sloppily downloaded on the site.


Anonymous said...

Wade, can anyone tell why Tumai is not in the elephant studbook? Several other elephants discussed here are, but Tumai is not.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
When was the stud book started? Are you speaking of Dan Koehls stud book?

Anonymous said...

Wade, yes, I am speaking of Dan Koehl's online studbook, but it is my understanding that his is based on the official one.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

Wade, I also went directly to the North American Region Studbook for the African Elephant, and to the Asian Elephant North American Regional Studbook Update. He is not there either.
Mary Ann

Casey McCoy Cainan said...

Mary Ann,
The African Elephant stud book is no where near a complete account. It was started much more recently then the Asian book. I assume because Asians have been endangered for sometime now and the Africans not. I am not even sure if Africans are on the endangered list today, they may just be threatened (not that thats not bad enough). I think better track was kept on the Asians because people thought they might be extinct by now.

Wade G. Burck said...

That is what I was assuming. But I have contacted Dan to find out for sure. I personally don't think it is necessary to keep anything that has not contributed genetically to the species in a stud book.