Thursday, September 4, 2008

Unknown presenter.

I believe these are Sacha Houcks Fjords, and somebody else was presenting the exotic act in his recent absence.


Anonymous said...


This is Peter Freeman known as Old Regnas. He has a comedy dog act on Pinder and took the Exotics after Sacha left the show.


Anonymous said...

Hi Wade and Vincent,
Why did Sacha leave Pinder?

Anonymous said...

Interestingly (I think), nobody took over the elephants in Sacha's absence, despite the presence of such animals being featured on much of the publicity!

Peter is brother to Mike Sanger, whose comedy dog act has been seen with RBBB and (I believe) BAC. Mike has also presented the Regnas act (Regnas being Sanger in reverse) which was origianted by their father, Pat.


Wade G. Burck said...

Possibly they would give you a hiding with their trunk, or worse, and needed a skilled person with them. One of the greatest shames done to animals is the fallacy that anybody can work with certain ones. It takes a much different skill level with some, and I have seen many great animals destroyed over the years by ineptnesses and ignorance. I don't know about the elephants there now, but the Pinder elephants have had a history of problems back in the early 2000's.

Anonymous said...

You are correct--Pascale and Mike were on the Big Apple Circus 2000-2001 in "Clown Around Town," which also featured Tom Dougherty, in Barry Lubin's absence.