Friday, September 5, 2008

Just a follow up to the previous post about animal care standerds

I just wanted to toss in my two cents to follow up the previous post talking about animal care and animal care standards. Now granted I have only been working with animals in the circus for 4 years but from what i have seen in my limited time has really disturbed me. Most of the circuses producers I have worked for care very little for the animals and their well being and more on their bottom line. Now granted it should be up to the performers who own the animals to look out for their well being and not the responsibility of the circus producers but what I have found is that if you speak up and say something about the treatment of your animals you are looked a as a trouble maker and will probably be replaced. People talk about having stricter rules on the care of the animals but if all people who work with animals stood together and said this has to change or we will not provide your show with any animals, how quickly do you think the animal care and safety would become the top priority? This is a nice dream but it will never happen. There are quite a few people who do put their animals care and safety above all else, but as long as there those few out there who care only about money or playing circus performer it will never change, because if you stand up and say you will not work unless things change the producers will find some one who will do as they are told. That is the number one thing that is wrong with the circus industry.


Wade G. Burck said...

It is not a dream, if you believe it with all your heart and soul, it will shortly become a reality. Remember when you first said you wanted to be a Tiger Trainer I told you be prepared to have your heart broken many times. I got mine broke again the other day when a young Trainer told me, he was interested in only his stuff, and what he needed. Thats wrong, but keep they faith in what you believe is right, set an example and forge on. Let me be the one to shake up the producers for you and the other young Animal Trainers, I have nothing to loose and I have 34 years experience. You keep working on the "cute and charming" like Casey, Mike and the other youngsters. It won't get the animals squat, but it will get you guy's fame and accolades.
While the animals are each persons responsibly, if an advance agreement has been reached calling for a certain shavings, stabling to be provided, water, waste removal etc. you have done your job just by showing up. The rest is up to others. But I am glad to see that it has changed in 34 years. Why don't I want to go on the road anymore you ask?
I love you, be safe, and I am proud of you for speaking out. Try saying "dahling" more and working on that double cheek kiss deals. I've tried but it makes me ill, maybe you are not to young. LOL

mike swain said...

I also have found that the agreement before you get there is different than when you arrive. IN 2000 I took a single elephant on a 12 wk. run starting in march staying up north. I told the producer I was concerned with time spent in trailer. He assured me I could let the elephant walk around in the venues before the shows for exercise, and stay in some of the buildings at night to cut down on time spent in trailer. None of this was true, they only wanted the elephant when it was time for the act and hump the ride. I quit and came home. I thought it would be ok there had been another elephant before me. This same guy came back the next year. In some cases the animals are just props.

Wade G. Burck said...

Working them out of the truck, is one of the saddest things that have ever been done with elephants, and unfortunately the trainer was the one who got hung by the public and he often had no option except to do it, or turn around and go back home at a great loss of fuel expense. The saddest thing is if you do it once, they will be angry if you don't do it again and again. I did it once for 2 day's in 1977 and vowed never to do it again, and I didn't. I have had producers tell my put the cat's there and when I say there is not enough room, they would say, "why not that's where they put the cat's last year." I guess the fact that the act last year has 6 cats and 3 cages and the fact that I had 17 cats and 10 cages hadn't been considered.
I went on Ringling in 1984 and left in 1994 and retired from performing as I had no desire to be in that bad position ever again. If you do what they want you screw the animal, if you don't do what they want they get angry. FORGET THAT!!

Anonymous said...

The day Ursula Boettcher arrived with the bears in Winterquarters 75 noone really knew what to expect.
I overheard the first conversation between Ursula and Charly Baumann. Her statement was clear, "White pine sawdust and fresh fish or, (she spit on the ground) no bears.)
She was determined to make that first impression to assure that they would get the best care possible.


Wade G. Burck said...

I am still titillated after reading the "History Channel" to hear a minister say falsies, and reference her cup size. Damn LOL. If there had been 4 or 5 other Polar Bear act available Ursulas spit may have been her last one in America. That was unfortunately the mentality at the time. It hasn't changed much today, there are just less choices. In the mid 70's when I had the only performing white tigers in the world, the "Elvis Presley's" in a sense, I was excited and thought now a husbandry standard can finally be set, and turning down the first Monte Carlo offer was an effort in that direction. No way would I put any animal on a boat, and a plane to Japan was acceptable. Unfortunately the owner of the animals never looked at them that way, and was quite upset at the decision. In one case we were offered a contract for a one show one day date. The animals were to be unloaded presented and loaded right back up again, as there was no stabling and subjected to another 3 day journey on the return to the winter quarters. When the producer was told the cost of 17 tigers including 5 White ones, he responded with "I can get so and so,(with 8 gold tigers) for half that." I was made to do the date for 1000.00 less then the asking price, and as it was January I arrived back home with 4 very sick tigers.
The Trainers are the only voice for the animals, and when AR/Animal Welfare hit the fan they were the ones the shit hit. If you don't do as the "producer" tells you, you are responsible. If you do, and something happens to an animal, you are also responsible. I have always chosen to answer to myself and my beliefs/philosophy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the comliment, on being a minister. We're not all, stuffy.


Wade G. Burck said...

And like you, the good one's are not "holier then thou."