Friday, September 5, 2008

This is why no matter how much people beg me to go in the cage for pictures with the tigers i never will let them.


Wade G. Burck said...

I did once with a very experienced animal person, and it ended in a disaster. Many have done it with news reporters, boyfriends/girlfriends, etc. and nothing happened. DON'T, DON'T,DON'T, DON'T.

Wade G. Burck said...

Psst Adam,
If anybody asks tell them I showed you how to post you tubes, okay. How did you do that?

OrMaggie77 said...

I think this woman was lucky she didn't realize how close she came to being " A Snack " If she would have reacted to that cat,she would have gotten her leg chewed on....I don't recall every wanting to go in the cage,outside was close enough,thank you....Mom.

OrMaggie77 said...

Wade,I sent you an e-mail with ignorant proof instructions on how to post you-tubes..If I can do it,trust me,even you can do it..LOL..

Wade G. Burck said...

I guess me wanting to throw you in a couple of times doesn't count, does it. LOL

OrMaggie77 said...

Now Darlin,all these nice people reading your blog will think you are serious..LOL..

Anonymous said...

You do not know me,
It is ok.
lisen good to your Father..
and your Mother.they are giving you the best advice,
be always alert.for sure..!
sincerely mireille.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wade:
What is your E-mail address, I would like to give you an update.


OrMaggie77 said...

Go over and have a peek at "The History Channel". Buckles posted some great photos of tigers under water....

Wade G. Burck said...

Rambly sent me the photos 3 weeks ago, and Mary Ann sent them 2 weeks ago. I wrote back to Mary Ann and thanked her, but said it was no big deal, that all the tigers I used to take to the beach or lake, one leashes would completely submerge and go under water. Targa used to bring up rocks, or large clam shells. At first I couldn't figure out how they did it, but after studying them, I noted that they would close their nostrils and the blow or exhale them open when they came out of the water.
I also believe the tiger Odin is declawed, which I don't approve of. I may be wrong, as I can not see him standing on hard ground, but in the pictures the way his paw's are tensed, the natural motion should have exposed claws. I believe it is a publicity campaign for the "English Trainer" to get some air time on Animal Planet on one of there 90% goofy programs, and like the painting elephant will blow by. People can really be goofed on sometimes.
I'll check and if Buckles did not run all of the pictures, I will run the rest here. I surely don't want you to think I got "aced". I just like it a little more real. Things along the line of Moose humping Buffalo is the educational angle I am looking for. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

I received your email. Thank you very much. I had no idea you were born in the Circus. I swear Rudy told me one time that you were a town broad that was infatuated and in love with him, and kept hanging around the lot, so he decided to take you along to the next town. He said you ended up being a pretty good cook so he decided to keep you. LOL

Anonymous said...

You are certainly asking for a bunch of fives on your hooter.

Bob Cline said...

Wade and crew,
I worked for a guy named Dave C#$%^&#!(c who took a news reporter from one of the Cleveland TV stations in with him years ago and had a disaster right then and there. Big press alright. Needless to say, he kept himself low and out of the way for many years having everyone else out front after that.

Wade G. Burck said...

John Mate,
What the hell did Sue Lenz just say? Is that like a high five, for a job well done?