Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Horse's Mouth

There have been a number of false statements made on the History Channel by a Peter Sturgis,
who even invoked God's good graces at one point. The comments were made on August 7, 2008 and August 11, 2008. I quit responding after a while as it kept getting directed at me, or censored. I made Herta Cuneo aware of them this afternoon, and will publish her response here first. That sometimes greases them on the other deal.

Thank you for both your Emails,Some of the Blog I was aware of.
I don’t know Pete the Baraboobian or whatever he calls himself, and sure don’t care to know him. Since he knows Perry I can only believe he was told about the Perry folly from him. And therefore formed the opinion about inbreds and half wits at Hawthorn.
He should have left the animals out of this, since any normal tiger would take advantage of the situation. So much for the inbred half wit tigers. As for the people,there was only ONE half wit,I cant say about inbred, I don’t know about that. I would call it moronic though to go in a cage full of 14 tigers even if God himself told me to. And without the knowledge
and experience of the trainer, the moron would not have come out alive at all.
Let me make it clear I am not discussing Larry Allen Dean above. Even though he made a mistake in trying to work the tigers as that is not what he was hired for, and was not told to work the tigers, at least he has been working many a cage act and certainly has had experience.
As far as I know Hawthorn has employed many fine trainers.Wade Burck certainly is considered the best, and we have high hopes for his son Adam, who we certainly hope will follow in his Fathers footsteps.
Herta Cuneo
Wade if you want to post this go ahead.


Wade G. Burck said...

For any family record fans, like Mary Ann, This is closer to 3 generations then many can even hope for.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Wade, this was very gracious of Mrs. Cuneo, and I would hope that it would stop some of the venom directed at you, which I never understood from the beginning, and still don't.
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

sincerely Mireille Theron Arnosi.

Wade G. Burck said...

You are going to come into my house and leave without a hug and kiss, and a "My cherie!!!" That sucks.

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
It was for the White Tigers as were my comments. Don't forget this women, bottle raised some of the first, Frosty and Bagherra. She trained Bagherra to ride the elephant and is credited with being the first person to train a White Tiger. A lot of envy has also gone her direction over the years.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Wade, I think everyone here knows how I feel about the white tigers. I never understood the venom directed at them either, and still don't, and probably never really will. I think that they have been the victims of much jealousy also. Because of my interest in these beautiful animals, over the years I have made some very good friends, probably a few enemies, and met some people who think I am either a crackpot, or have some sort of agenda.
Mary Ann