Monday, July 14, 2008

An unusual and attractive liberty/exotic act

Laszlo, do you know who's act this was. Sasha Houcke has been using the Fjord horses a lot the past few years. As a complete act, I personally don't think they would look to good, but mixed in with other species they are unique and pretty.


Anonymous said...

As you've mentioned Sasha Houcke, a friend went to see Pinder In Boulogne, France on Saturday (12th) and tells me that there was no elephant act as Sasha was very ill. Quite what the problem is I do not know, but no doubt we all wish him a swift recovery.


Anonymous said...

Wade, this really is an unusual and attractive liberty/exotic act! Back in May when trainability of zebras was discussed, I believe that you said that they have been used in liberty acts, usually "free" and not checked up with surcingles and check reins. To my untrained eye, it appears that they are wearing at least as much gear as the horses. Please forgive my ignorance and be patient, as I am just starting to learn about other animals besides felines. LOL Seriously, I find this act prettier than I imagine the one you mentioned of Daniel Suskov with horses, camels, and zebras, or that of Jana Mandana Lacy with camels and zebras. How is it possible not to regiment the zebras as one would do a horse, and allow them a bit more freedom, and yet have them work together like this? I appreciate your efforts to educate all of us, the novices, the fans, and your professional colleagues.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
You should have quoted "usually" instead of free to my statement. This picture is from the 50's that they weren't quite as "born free" as they are today with liberty animals. John Herriott has trained a number of them, and maybe he will share his thoughts on the subject. Sasha Houcke may have used Fjords with the zebras that he had on Ringling. I think they look nice with Zebras as they are kinda the same size. Just my opinion and my personal taste, but I have never like mixed species liberty acts. I don't care for different colors as well as I like all the same colors. I would prefer 8 camels instead of 4 camels and 4 zebras, or 8 zebras instead of 4 zebras and 4 horses. That's just what looks good to me, but I appreciate a great act regardless. I like Daniel's act for what it did, not the animals used.
Again there is nothing different about harness and bits and check reins then a leash or collar on your dog or cat. I look at it as their costume and the fancier the better. I could do without the feathers though.

Wade G. Burck said...

I to wish Sasha the best, and hope it is nothing serious.

Anonymous said...

in the 50's years performed a mixed zebra act Maurice Houcke ,brother of the late Sacha Houcke Sr in the Krone Circus.

Anonymous said...

It is much easier in liberty training to have harness with checks to keep them from biting others and to get some semblance of systematic gait and to generally have more control yhan free running. With zebras probably why most are not in harness is the deifficulty in getting the damn harness on them without a squeeze, etc. I have the greatest admiration for any capable zebra trainers. Seems like all the Houcke's have "the gaff on the joint".

Anonymous said...

I to hope his illness is just a temporary set back. I enjoyed meeting him and of course his traini9ng is superb.

Wade G. Burck said...

"Gaff on the joint" That's funny, and a good way to put it. Watching an liberty act with out harnessing is like watch a platoon of soldier with half going left, left, and half going right, right. The beauty of a liberty act is the precision and working as a synchronized unit, like the water ballet's of old. It wouldn't have been the same, with everybody doing something different. One beautiful horse running around, flipping it's head, wheeling, cavorting like a goof maybe, but as a unit or team, I like the controlled precision.