Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jana Mandana--Circus Krone Friesians and Palominos


Anonymous said...

This shot of the lovely Jana gives me the chance to provide some info I may have imparted before.
The lady became Mrs. Martin Lacey Jr. in December of last year, and gave birth to Alexis Henry Lacey at the start of February. the name Henry is in tribute to Martin's paternal grandfather, and Alexis for Jana's "honorary uncle", Alexis Gruss.


Wade G. Burck said...

The birth announcement I received the boy's name was listed as Alexis Henry Lacey Krone?

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful circus couple!
Mary Ann

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't surprise me that the name "Krone" appears on the young man's birth certificate, given that his mother is due to inherit the show in due course, Christel Sembach-Krone haveing no children.


Wade G. Burck said...

We are still trying to stay straight on who is related to who, and you mix that in. If John Cuneo were to "leave it to me", does that mean I missed the boat, by not naming Adam, Adam Regan Burck Cuneo? Maybe if you had told me sooner, I could have named him Adam Regan Burck Gardner Cuneo, in case my mother wanted to give me a little something.
Way it stands now, they are both po'd at my ignorance, and aren't giving me squat. Appreciate the late news, Limey.