Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This is the greatest shame of the AR Movement

The greatest travesty of all is that this has been lumped together and stereo typed with the talented "individuals" and beautiful animals posted below all under the umbrella title of CIRCUS, and it should not have happened to them.


Anonymous said...

It is very unfair that people who have spent generations honing their craft and knowledge for training, housing and transporting horses are painted with the same brush as the guy who is just filling 5 minutes in the ring any way he can.
Wade, did you ever see the friesian act that was purchased and brought over from Europe by the big American tent circus?
First time I saw them, they were tied to the side of the truck in high temperatures (you know how dark colored coats absorb the heat from the sun) and standing on rocky ground that no one had even bothered to clear the rocks and stones away.
So, for me, I don't care how they look in the ring. I want to see how they are handled and housed in the back yard before I'm impressed.


And, on a similar note, I see that 'THE elephant video' is being used on all the European AR websites. It's not easy for an American trainer to get fame in Europe, but that fellow sure accomplished it quite well.

Wade G. Burck said...

People as a rule who care for how an animal looks, meaning how well it is bred not just clean and washed, are also going to be concerned with how it is house.
It is relatively easy to gain fame anyplace as long as you produce top results.

Anonymous said...

Ian, yes I saw that Friesian act and each year it got worse. It is the result of non-horse people acquiring something really nice paying well for it and then hiring nickle performer/trainers/grooms to handle and care for them. Have all the money in the world, biggest circus ever and turn that over to the goofs of the world and the results will always be the same. Seems like they are willing to pay for something then nickle it to death to keep from paying anyone of knowledge to keep it together and to care for it in the way it deserves.