Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here it is

I told a young colleague that this was coming, and it finally has. The only reason I am running it is because they use words like some, oftentimes, a few, etc. etc. I will state my position one last time. It is about INDIVIDUALS. And a few bad ones can destroy an industry. Go on a PBR or NFR rodeo web site and see if they list every rodeo from the back yard Charro get together, to the county fair to the state fair, to the NFR. Go on a circus site, and everything is listed from the dirtiest pile of crap to Knie, Krone, Ringling, etc. etc. The industry, and the ones "helping" it have lumped it all under the heading "CIRCUS" You want to point as Zoos. For all their faults, and nothing is perfect, that's why it requires daily evaluation, formed a committee of Standards AAZPA years ago, and distanced them selves from Joes Alligator Farm, Bob's Deer Park, and any other facility that keep animals in exhibits and let the public in to see them. They even started calling themselves Wildlife Institution's, Conservation Centers, etc. to distance themselves from the stereo type of Zoo, and we have looked at the old and we will continue to look and learn. We didn't, we banded together, there is power in numbers right. There was a reason I ran a whole cross section of "Circus" from around the world this week. Unfortunately, the industry has let it's self get stuffed in one big bag called the "Circus". But even a pack of wolves, has enough sense to kill the idiot shitting in the cave so the location is not given away. If I see something I may question, I will first ask why? The answer that individual gives me depends on whether I offer assistance, or hope to God he is shut down forever. In a number of the examples, you will see the look of "I don't know what to do" one their face and by their actions. What is the standard, does buying a tent make you a Circus, or does owning an animal make you a trainer? Does putting some animals behind chain link fencing, and planting some flowers make you a zoo?


Anonymous said...

Wade, this video was very difficult and sad to watch. It's good to know that it's just "some" and "few", but the others cannot afford to protect them, or the whole industry will be brought down.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
I posted the video so it could be discussed on it's merits. There are two sides, and they are offered as information and not a "patch".
There was extensive footage of an incident that happened in England in the late 80's. It has been addressed, and one of the most revered names in British Circus history was penalized and shut down in England. Be suspect of anything that was shot quick or is very brief. It normally points to editing or maybe the end result was not what the quick shot made it appear. We have already addressed the state of affairs with a lot, not all, but a lot of shows(I won't use the word circus) in Mexico. There was extensive footage from there, particularity with big cats, chimps, gorilla and dogs. The quick shot of a polar bear, with a fan on the cage is an example of dated material. Those were the polar bears that we have discussed in that past. They were confiscated and one now resides in Detroit. Again old news, that was addressed, and that was not pointed out.
There were a couple of incidences, where I would ask, "what happened" because it may not have been what it appeared.
Most disturbing to me was the lady/girl with the pony who obviously didn't have a clue. Why he didn't run out of the ring I can only guess at. Possibly he had in the past, and had learned that the end result was worse then standing there and taking the whipping. He had, what's called "sulled up" or "shut down". He had obviously been beaten until he fell, and then beaten for falling, at some point.
There was also some disturbing elephant footage, that was fairly recent from the United States. Again Mary Ann, it can occur anyplace in any country, but often times the more the equipment is in an old state of disarray, rusty, banged up, unpainted, torn or tattered, the more likelihood of instances such as what was filmed. A fresh coat of paint does not exclude. If you put sugar on shit, it might taste better, but it is still shit you are eating.
There are individuals in the circus, who take impeccable care of their animals. If I attempted to name them all, I would miss some and they would be pissed so I will use a similar individual with animals from outside the circus and that is Dianne Old Rossi. This is a single women who cared for a bed ridden mother, as well as 7 horses and did shows. The care, and attention that the horses received was of the highest caliber. Brushing, grooming, tack immaculate, costumes brilliant. This is not a young 25 or 30 year old person, with great respect. This is a person older then me who maintained that level of professionalism, and concern for her horses day in and day out. On her own, truly on her own, with out the assistance of a "friend" or "sleeping buddy" to help with the heavy/unpleasant work. She has expressed an opinion on issues in the horse racing industry, not because she is opposed to the horse industry or to horse training, but because she is a horse trainer, she opposes what is done to them in other segments of the industry. Hopefully there won't be an umbrella thrown over "all" of the horse industry, and she and people like her won't be stereo typed. A major problem with self regulating or setting a standard in the circus industry is the pedigrees, which is a uniqueness of the circus, and examples have been illustrated. It will take great courage to standard/self regulate your uncle, cousin, nephew, brother sister, son or daughter, father or mother, friend or lover out of the industry. But I don't advocate destroying it instead. What is the answer?
Mary Ann, a thousand times I have wanted to hit somebody right in the mouth, when they have asked, "do you know so and so, he/she is an Animal Trainer like you."

Anonymous said...

Too many "isolated incidents" to overcome with claims of "one of the family". There might have been a time when the business could have redeemed itself by black listing the a-holes, but unfortunately some of the a-holes were also the darlings of 'the Club'. The voice of the opposition is so big now, that any protestations and 'animal care statements' in programs and web pages just look pathetic.

My last post

Wade G. Burck said...

That was my point with the goofy statements of "they are like children to me" or "they are my family" that popped up in the last 15 years or so. It has been said so often, and for so long, that is has started to sound like a cover up or an excuse/patch as a defense against a question you were asked about, but had no scientific or documented proof of your answer.