Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Baron received in 1951, sired the first captive-born offspring in the United States

The Baron gets my vote for "Super Star status" along side Tony. He contributed much more then Gargantua every thought possible. Just didn't get the "press." He got the job done "slumming" Mary Ann. No hot tubs or candles for this "Lord of the Jungle."


Anonymous said...

Wade, it really is amazing to believe that the first captive-born gorilla in this country was bred under such austere conditions! We really have come a long way in gorilla habitats.
Mary Ann

Wade G. Burck said...

Mary Ann,
Remember when we discussed how may individuals will be held up to reverence as "great breeders of animals", when it is as simple as a male and a female copulating. The skill of the truly great breeders comings in improving or successfully propagating many successive generations of offspring. The greatest success in the breeding of gorillas was keeping them alive long enough. Learning to keep the new generations happy physically and mentally will take the craft to new levels.