Tuesday, May 13, 2008

You find all kinds of old things when digging around--Adam in 1978

In looking for pictures of Prince, Sabre, Ural, and Sheba for Paul I have reached the bottom of the box, and will post the few "vintage" photos. This is Adam with from left Bombay, Delhi, and Joyce. What ever cereal he didn't eat for breakfast, he took to the elephants. On a current poll, on another blog, of best cat act working today, Adam is currently leading the other 11 contenders by 43% of the vote. I did not mention this before, as I did not want accusations of "drumming up the vote," and mention it now as there is only one day left.


OrMaggie77 said...

While you not "drumming up the vote" you forgot to post the blog's name, so I will....LOL....


Wade G. Burck said...

That's just great. You know how I feel about counterfeit competitions like the Monte Carlo Festival, with no defined "standard" on which to judge. I secretly pat our son on the back, and you "reveal" how a "circus awards festival" is really won. I'll be a little disappointed in his integrity if he actually "accepts" the "Gold/Silver Clown". LOL

DanTheBooker said...

Speaking of which: In the spirit of planning ahead, i was wondering if either onbe fo you would have some pix of Adam you wouldn't mind me using to announce the "winner" of the poll..... geez....next weeks poll is favorite poll rigger, that should be a nail biter.

My best to you both!

Wade G. Burck said...

With all due respect, my comment was made with tongue in cheek. My thoughts on "circus contests" have been well documented in the past, and confirmed.
Of course I am proud of Adam. What kind of picture did you need? I have anything ranging from changing his diaper with his "Burck Legacy" hanging out in all it's radiant glory, up to shows last year and he and Elaine. I have them from him making a complete ass out of himself at the age of 5 to doing his first hind leg walk. Let me know what you are looking for.
speaking of rigging, I think those votes were in before his mother opened her mouth, with a public service announcement.

OrMaggie77 said...

You mean next week I win....LOL...Do I get a prize? And I have a feeling Adam would'nt like his "Legacy" plastered all over the net....

DanTheBooker said...

Well Wade, 2 or 3 pictures to let Adam know. Preferably of the act, or recent. Thanks. If you have the one of Jimmy Hall making him cry at the Chinese restaurant in Canada, I'll put that one up.
