Monday, May 5, 2008

Training AC to recycle garbage, and not be a pig.

Paul, this pig was a Canadian "celebrity" before I got him for training. In 1991 at the height of the animal rights issues, a new radio show in Toronto, in a effort to generate callers started a "debate" on whether pigs could fly, and on an appointed day, they were going to push a pig off of the radio tower to test their theory. It was a joke, but the AR seized on the issue and it generated incredible interest. On the day of the "flight", with hundreds of activists and public picketing the radio station. They announced it was a joke, and they just wanted to increase their listening public. Mike Hakenberger, Director of the Bowmanville Zoo called them and said if you are done with the pig he would take it so we could put in in the pig act. I named him Air Canada, and then shortened it to just AC. I really liked him alot. Eric spent a lot of time with him, and you will note him spotting Eric watching me train.
AC's specialty was picking up liter bottles and putting them in recycling boxes. You will note a leash as we were in the initial stages of training. Eventually he did it loose and on his own, and also became a great retriever of thrown sticks.

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