Sunday, May 4, 2008

Isson--He defined the meaning of the word "tiger"

Truly one of the toughest tigers I have ever dealt with. Like E. F. Hutton, when Isson spoke I and 15 other tigers listened. He made me flinch and catch my breath more then a lot of times. He had the deepest, darkest, from way inside roar. There was literally an invisible cloud of warm air that would emit. A true product of his environment. When I went back to Ringling, and Gunthers tigers, he was also deemed "insane" and went to live at the Columbus Zoo. As an appreciator/understander of tigers, I remember ones' like Isson with more fondness then the Ika's or the Rajah's. The photographer wanted to catch him and I at the moment he charged. You will note I was out of the frame before the shutter closed. Isson was "right handed" and led with his right rear leg. When that gun was "cocked", you didn't stay to see if it would shoot. LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wade, he really was a beautiful cat, and I'm so glad that I had the chance to see him swimming at Columbus. And yes, the water was deep, and he really was swimming! When he passed away, I don't think that the pool was kept that deep for Taj, or for Akeer when he was there.
Mary Ann