Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Adding sizzle to the steak, if the opportunity presents itself.

In this photo you will note my right arm bloody and with a bandanna tourniquet. Baby had jumped out of the laydown sit up, and bit my arm. With a "show biz" flourish, I put my arm through the mesh, and my brother Mike, tied the bandanna to stop the bleeding. I then finished the laydown sit up, and sent every one to their seat except Ari, and finished with an impromptu, "kiss O death", which a "collegue" used to great advantage in winning a Silver Clown at the Monte Carlo Festival 15 years later. You get a mixed reaction, 1/3 of the public jumps to their feet with a standing ovation, 1/3 can't decide if what they think they just saw, actually happened, and the other 1/3 sit's there silent as they don't want to encourage this obviously insane person. The validity of show biz depends on "anonymous friends". LOL I also hope Paul understands my defense of Ari and his supposed "insanity."


OrMaggie77 said...

I think your Circus Roots are showing in this picture....LOL....

Wade G. Burck said...

I never said I didn't have "circus roots". The fact that I accept them for what they are, instead of trying to fool even myself, is what upsets people. LOL