Sunday, April 27, 2008

Let's follow fair and balanced circus history here with no censorship allowed

David Rosenwasser said...

As the promoter of the Knoxville date that year, yes the injury did happen while shooting the American Express commercial. The script called for Gunther to use both a tiger and the leopard as part of the commercial. The portion with the tiger was shot without incident and the portion with the leopard on his shoulders did not go so easily. The cat did not like the feel of the business suit Gunther was wearing for that commercial, or so Gunther kept telling me and the production crew. After many attempts to get the cat to lay across his shoulders, he finally bit Gunther. We took him to the hospital where the emergency room doctor said that the puncture wounds were deep and would be painful. Gunther also had an adverse reaction to the first medication that was prescribed. As was my experience with Gunther he downplayed the injury as if it was a minor convenience. I was also the promoter in Memphis when he had his foot crushed on a train car coupling and had to miss performances. In that case the specialist at the hospital told him he would be off his feet for several weeks to recover. In typical Gunther style he laughed and was back performing in a matter of days not weeks.

David Rosenwasser

Blogger Buckles said...

One day while in rehearsal for the Blue Show I was chatting with Gunther by the ring barn when my wife came by with a leopard "Nirvana" on a leash.
Having forgotten something she said, "Hold her for a minute, I'll be right back!" No sooner had she left than something startled the cat and she took off like a shot, wrapping her leash around my legs and despite my frantic Mexican Hat Dance, ran out of slack and bit me on the calf.
Gunther helped me get untangled and after a period of trying to keep a straight face said, "You might need a shot for that."

27 April, 2008 07:19

Blogger Bob Cline said...

I find Mr. Rosenwasser's comment quite intriquing. I always thought that one of Gunther's many accolades was he NEVER missed a performance.

27 April, 2008 09:13

Blogger Buckles said...

John Herriott has a great story about the foot injury.
It seems that the only thing he couldn't do was lift the bridge off the pedistals during the tiger act.
Henry Schrorer was called in to save the day................!

27 April, 2008 09:26

Anonymous Anonymous said...

do somebody now what Henry Schroer do actualy now or where he life !
I remeber him last time in Circus Barum (Germany) !?

Thanks everybody !!!

27 April, 2008

Wade Burck said........
I am suprised you did not know that. It was a big deal, as he never missed a performance before or after. That we talk about it today, proves that he was the best, right. Isn't that what was pointed out in the Beatty debate. Were you as "intrigued" to find out Clyde missed some performances, and that he never used a trainer ever because Bobby Macferson doesn't count, like Joe McKennon doesn't count.
Buckles, I think boss suggested a shot, because he didn't want you to get that "jungle fever" deal, now that we had penicillin that Clyde didn't have. Roger offered advise to me, which was appreciated:

Roger S said...

Wade: I hope your doctors had the brains to put drain tubes between those sutures. Get well and back on the arrows.

27 November, 2006 16:39

I also don't think Henry Schroder saved the day. He lifted the bridge off of the pyramid. John Cuneo has lifted the bridge off my pyramid when it broke, and he never suggested he saved the day. I think you should credit Boss with being a great "trouper" as you graciously did me:

Unfortunately Mr. Burck was injured last week while working his new Tiger Act at the Evansville Shrine Circus, requiring numerous stiches in his forearm and leg and a night in the Hospital.But being the trouper that he is, missed only two performances and finished out the engagement with the act working flawlessly. Posted by Picasa at 11/27/2006 06:06:00 AM

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