Wednesday, April 9, 2008

From Desk of Burck.....


ATTENTION---------Ben Trumble this route change just in from the home office. We are going to reroute you around Tennessee. Get started on the arrows immediately. We have complete confidence in you and your crack team of drivers.


B.E.Trumble said...

That's it, I'm blowin' the show

Wade G. Burck said...

The word "blow" will work well with the circus dictionary post today. To all towners, "blow" means you are leaving the show, with no warning, no traditional 2 weeks notice, usually in the middle of the night, often without warning, and usually at the most inopportune time.
The opposite of "blow" is "eighty-sixed", and it usually includes a boot broke off in your ass.
In this example of the 2 words plus a belligerent driver, it is know as a "mexican stand off". Is that about right, Ben LOL
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

woo woo what about a Mexican ? in Mexico show lingo a stand off that means something else i rather not say cause it wont make sense in gringo lingo .CleanRaul la migra is coming .Clean Raul

Wade G. Burck said...

Clean Raul,
Don't get bilingual one me just yet. I'm still learning the Queens English from Mr. Cooper. I'll bet dirty sanchez means the same thing,in both Spanish and English, so what is your point,Puta madre. LOL