Tuesday, April 29, 2008

For John Herriott--Lets have a thought and anybody else.

I don't know anything about these guys John. This guy above I am wondering about the costume. Did he have a connection to Beatty? What do you think of that buggy in the left as a trick. Worth doing again? Did you see this act?
This guy and his family were on Ringling in the early 80's but only for one year, and then went home. I promise without fear of contradiction that I have worked with more horses, then you have cats. That's an intangible. But I am asking your opinion. I hope I have hit everyone you feel I didn't give respect to. You John, I did learn something from. The 6 white stallions should have shown that, and as I stated on Buckles blog a while ago, my "townie" roots taught me to honor someone you take what they have shown you, and do well by it, improving if you can. Should I ever have the opportunity to work with ponies again, I will hopefully honor you again. Invaluable to me was the 4 years I spent sharing a dressing room with Daniel Suskow,(I believe you have validated him, and I hope it wasn't just because he was in the circus) and the year with Dianne Olds Rossi.
And don't see where her not being a "show bum" has held her back much. Please don't ever call me a "show bum". That's not what I set out to be. I wanted to be an Animal Trainer what ever that is.


Anonymous said...

The first guy is Joe Acaris. Very talented cat man that I have heard about from many different people. He subbed for Beatty during an injury or some other reason a few times. I have a couple of photos of him woking zoo cat acts but in different clothes.

Anonymous said...

I only tune into your blog to find what new saracasm you can think up to throw at me. I have no idea of what six white horses you are referring to. You have obviously tore up Buckles blog and our Showfolks club along with myself, Wonder what is next. Obviously you have not used or become aware of the Dale Carnegie course and I will not bother to enlighten you. I find it difficult to get on your blog. I go to Buckles and then to Pat's great Clown Alley and then to "Circus no spin zone" that turns out to be you, who said that your blog was not Circus. Confusing???.

Wade G. Burck said...

Would Joe have saved the day, like Henry Schroder did by removing the pyramid bridge for Gunther? The cosutume as because he was a "clone" or "twin" to Beatty as he has been called. Able to do more then lift a prop. That's right Beatty didn't move props. Unusual that GGW's injury was of such interest.
Who was John Helliott?

Wade G. Burck said...

The 6 white mini's for Raul Rodriques, that are still working. I ran a picture of them with the liberty horses. You may have missed it "humbly" non pompously" a wondering why you didn't get more credit for one of the other acts posted. Hub was gracious, as was Paul Nelson,(remember now you commented), you were too busy. Why did I tear up show folks, and the comments on the other blog arn't? How did I tear up Buckles blog? By starting another one. When I poste something there to here. I preface it with a question or why? That's not tearing it up, that looking for clarification to statements? I heard of the Dale Carnegie course, and I was waiting for you to finish with it and give it to me. It is apparently a successful course. Circus No Spin, John. I just think it is the No that is confusing you.

Wade G. Burck said...

Sorry, I was expecting Johnny to comment, and I wanted to see if he would mention the subbing as I stated, the moving of a bridge was pretty major to an elephant trainer, I guess like tubs are, and to another cat guy, the actual injury. Who nobody suggested he was jealous or disrespecting his roots. I guess when you only have one shadow, instead of 3 horses, cats, and elephants, that jealousy think is quite as broad reaching. Search the blog, you will find where he didn't get hurt, because the good ones didn't. I assume you preferred the subjugation style? What is training?
I am waiting for Johns thoughts on the buggy? Let John tell us who John Helliott was.
My best,

Anonymous said...

Mr. Burck with all my respect and humblnes may i ask that you please search deep in your heart and give it cosideration to let me used the copy of Dale Carniege after you are done of course. i am so confuse that it may help me figure out who is where and who is who now . isnt that course good for the purpose of influence people or scam people .
ps i being out here in gods forgotten country to long . CleanRaul.