Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Albert and Dianne


The Magicians Assistant said...

Nice!! I havn't seen this picture before!! Who're the horses Dianne?

Wade G. Burck said...

Maybe you will get a nice answer. I emailed and wanted her to hook me up with the "babe", and she got nasty. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wade, just went into female attack mode.(grin)

Bud, Albert was riding Aleros, the best horse, in my opinion, he ever trained. That would be me, at a tender young impressionable age, riding Naplitano a gelding whose passage matched Aleros perfectly. We open the L.A. Forum with the first horse show presented there. The audience gasped when these two white pearl horses entered under spotlights in a passage.

Wade G. Burck said...

Now that she is heated up. If I was to critique, and I am not understand, but if I was, I would suggest there is a bit more lean, in an effort to get closer to Albert then is necessary. May have just been a step behind, and the announcement had been made. I don't know. I'm just saying. In case John Herriott comes here, I want to ask him again and again, why are there no more high school acts in the American circus. Who are your contemporaries.

Anonymous said...

A lean in the opposite direction than you would think as he was "too hot to handle" for a young and impressionable girl. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

He handled his share "of young and impressionable", for which I admire him greatly. I assumed you were just rushing to get in to the same picture. Would only be right, it was a two person act. That's all I was saying.