Monday, April 28, 2008

Dianne Olds Rossi and her Friesian Arno

Arno appearing in the movie, LAST ACTION HERO

Dianne Olds Rossi - The Master of the Dance
The Magical World of Dancing Horses
PO Box 726
Forrest Hill, CA 95631
Producer of Night of the Friesians


Anonymous said...

Very nice photos of a great performing and beautiful horse. Dressage people would be aghast at a horse would be doing one of those vulgar circus bow tricks I am sure. I don't believe it is in the curriculum of the "Spainish Riding School" as well.

Wade G. Burck said...

Dr. Klimke was so moved and impressed that he brought the horse a carrot(see Klimke credentials), and I want to tell you that man had some "trench time." Although not "Spanish Riding School" it is "Dancing Horse". One time you asked, "what the hell is that Dancing horse, bullshit". I am happy you are getting the chance to learn and see. Thank you, Wade and Dianne.

Anonymous said...

Notice you have neglected to put my comments about GGW, cAROLA AND rINGLING. I was under the assumption that you were unhappy with Buckles edit, postings and now I find you mix it all up, totally out of context, so that anyone reading would have to try and figure, who said what. Including myself in viewing your changing blog by the hour. Lo6s of gobblegluck. I have a nice comment about a gracious lady of note having carrots brought to American Anthem daily dring an engagement of the GSOE while I was working in the shadow of the great GGW. But I survived and in fact went on to bigger and better things. Hope you feel you have done the same. It seems your time around GGW has made you somewhat subservant to him in regard to your own identity. I have never remotely reflected on any influence he may of projected to me. I had the greatest admiration for the positive things he did and went ahead and did my own thing and ofr course personal satisfaction and the wonderful honors and awards that I have received without a ny solicitation on my patrt make me very comfortable in my own skin.

Anonymous said...

I believe you will find that Mr. Rudy Rudynoff, one of the all time great liberty horse trainers and presenters had after his days with Liberty horses an excellent high school presentation, in saddles, of he, his wife and son, for many years of top drawer engagements and that his beautiful wife, who lost a leg in her bareback riding days, would ride astride with artificial leg inj beautiful gownsw on a huge saddlebred and had a great dane that performed spainish walk and other movements at he r and the horses side. I would do the same with my Apaloosa stallion and Harlequin great dane during my season with "Big Apple" circus. Now the name of this elegant equestrian presentation was "The Rudynoff Ballarina Horses" and the delightful and wonderful biography, of which I have a nice autographed copy, is entitled, "HOOFERS". Young Rudy and his lovely wife Beverly are and have been friends for a number of years.

Anonymous said...

I note in what you refer to as expert commentary that on the bow Diane has the whip at the bowing shoulder of the horse and her other nhand is holding the nreins making it difficult for her to "Complement" the audience with a nice "Style". I assume she did just that after the horse got up. This is when male riders would take their hat off in "Salute". I and others have done it millions of times. Just want to keep the record straight after nyou have been so critical of us circus horse show bums.

Anonymous said...

Even the "Count Roberto De VAS Concellos Visconde De Barca" was an expert of doing that. In fact a PR caption over that photo was, "The Count SAlutes you from the saddle". I always thought that was pretty neat. Next.

Anonymous said...

I note in what you refer to as expert commentary that on the bow Diane has the whip at the bowing shoulder of the horse and her other nhand is holding the nreins making it difficult for her to "Complement" the audience with a nice "Style". I assume she did just that after the horse got up. This is when male riders would take their hat off in "Salute". I and others have done it millions of times. Just want to keep the record straight after nyou have been so critical of us circus horse show bums.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they might be aghast at a bow from a Dressage Horse but I will tell you I have worked many Dressage Horses and their owners in the fine art of piaffe and passage knowing that I have the knowledge to realize what is required and the ability to produce that. They all know I train and own dancing horses but I was accepted as knowledgeable. There are many beautiful styles of riding and training and I am glad I have an open mind to the majority of them, able to see the beauty and accomplishment of different disciplines. Yes, I have a specialty but that does not stop me from enjoying any animal and trainer doing a "bang up" job.

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope you put on my latest comments on your obviously biased blog. You sound more frustrated than content in your own skin. I hope your time with GGW was fulfilling and that you left there with some grat consul from this old master along with that of your mentor Lou Regan. Your remarks, not mine.

Wade G. Burck said...

Be patient, I just came in. Oh course, we will run you posts. In an effort to be fair and unbiased that is our pledge. Just a few simple requirements that I am sure you are aware of. I'll check them now. Do you give Buckles this kind of grief?

Wade G. Burck said...

I see you are on a rant, so I will answer one at a time, and try not to miss anything. The new kids on the show welcome the warm reception.
Each post is just added or deleted, in the garbage of if we have had none, or added automatically to the post it was entered under. Maybe you don't know where you are sending them? Relax.

Wade G. Burck said...

If they were negative, or didn't follow the rules of names, or constructibe, maybe Casey, Ben, or Jim Z, may have censored them while I was gone. I'll check if they are not here.

Wade G. Burck said...

What is a "ny?"

Wade G. Burck said...

Get it straight. Expert commentary is what you are doing each time you post. There is no note of expert commentary in any heading unless it has be prefaced as that.

Wade G. Burck said...

I aways thought it was neat, when you didn't have to go tada, go get applause. I like it when they are on their feet, before the behavior is even completed. Move to the next behavior, don't waste time with a call. Next

Wade G. Burck said...

My time around GGW was, as you say full filling. Thanks for asking. Adams full name is Adam Regan Burck. What else do you want to know?