Sunday, April 6, 2008


Moment of silence for Charleton Heston. There aren't a lot of great circus movies, but it's hard not like The Greatest Show on Earth. Silly story line, but a great slice of RBBB when it was still "the big one," still under canvas. Heston's "Brad" survived grifters and train wrecks to give the show "a full season." Maybe Moses will meet Mr. Heston at the Pearly Gates, but it would be a lot more fun to think that the Bros Ringling will make up the Welcoming Committee.


Anonymous said...

....Yes Ben, one of our favorite Circus Movies, and one of our favorite actors. We shall bite our tongues and be silent in honor of Mr. Heston( if you only knew how hard that was....LOL)Are we allowed to sign as " The Ladies ", or are you going to force us all to sign....LOL
(maybe Casey will vouch for us?)

Wade G. Burck said...

I'll cover for you this once. Your statement, about "how hard that was" and "biting tongues" gave you away anyway. Everybody knows of only one person who would use those words to reference Charlton Heston.
Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

Sooo, you think you know whom we are? Well don't give "us" away to buckles,because it's the only way we can get our thoughts posted on his Blog.He always posts the "Ladies" words,cause we think ,he thinks, we are someone important. LOL

Wade G. Burck said...

I knew who you were the first day you took a "shot" at me on Buckles Blog. I recognized the respect and yearning/longing in your words. Thats why you are allowed to use a cute name here. Use it to whack one of my pals, and I'll "choke you" down. LOL
It isn't that Buckles thinks you are more important then anybody else. It's call censorship/writing history the way he wants. He will put you in where he needs you, or censor you if you are of no use.
My best,

Wade G. Burck said...

I guess I spoke before I should have. In discussing the "cute name" deal with the board of directors, they are in agreement that we can not allow it. As you are not afraid of repercussions from something, or in danger of losing your job, to allow the usage of a "cute name" would go against our policy and the initial mission of this blog.
We would welcome you to post here with your name, and save the cute name for Buckles Blog.
Wade Burck