Sunday, February 10, 2013

Brussels International Exposition 1910

 Brisbane Courier  Aug. 17, 1910 

The Mercury(Hobart, Tasmania) Sept. 14, 1910

It is ofiîcially announced that the British Government, from motives of friendliness to Belgium, will not claim damages for the destruction of British goods caused by the fire at the Brussels Exhibition last month.

Great Britain's renunciation of her claim for compensation' by the Exhibition fire is warmly appreciated in Belgium.

The Cinema of Attractions Reloaded - Page 63 - Google Books Result

 L'éléphant Rajah mort en 1911 en Angleterre, le survivant de la ménagerie Bostock, sauvé par Miller.

The elephant Rajah died in 1911 in England, the survivor of the menagerie Bostock, saved by Miller. 

 Victimes du sinistre du 14 août 1910. Ménagerie Frank C. Bostock. Dernier souvenir du dompteur Thomas Tallon.

Victims of the disaster on 14 August 1910. Frank C. menagerie Bostock. Last memory of Thomas Tallon tamer.

Victimes du sinistre du 14 août. Dernier souvenir du dompteur L. Joyat. Ménagerie Frank C. Bostock. Frou-Frou ayant appartenu aux ménageries Dickmann-Pezon et Bostock et Wombwell. Doc. Le chien danois Clown le seul animal du groupe qui put échapper à l'incendie ainsi qu'un autre danois. [Au verso :] après l'incendie de Bruxelles M. L. Joyat quitta F.C Bostock, fit l'acquisition d'un chimpanzé qu'il exhiba pendant quelques temps en Belgique, puis il vint se fixer à Nogent-sur-Marne où il s'adonna au dressage des chimpanzés

Disaster victims August 14. Remember the last tamer L. Joyat. Frank C. menagerie Bostock. Frou-Frou that belonged to menageries Dickmann-Bostock and Wombwell and Pezon. Doc. The Clown Dane the only animal in the group who could escape the fire and another Danish. [On the back:] after the fire of Brussels Mr. L. Joyat left FC Bostock, acquired a chimpanzee that exhibited in Belgium for some time, and then he settled in Nogent-sur-Marne, where he devoted himself to the training of chimpanzees

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