Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Uncommon Animal Act


Dick Flint said...

I remember seeing a trained pheasant act about 20+ years ago on Bentley Bros. And I thought of this poster, one of a series of about a dozen wonderful Sells poster designs incorporating the pedestal and issued in 1895. Any idea, Wade, of who might have trained or presented the act on Bentley? I recall an unusually large number of varied animal acts on the show that year. Wally Naughtin was there as I recall but can't seem to remember anyone else on the show.
Dick Flint

Wade G. Burck said...

I never heard of pheasants, but Tabak(don't recall his last name, alibied to age) I seem to recall did something with peacocks, although(again age) I don't recall which show. Possibly Toby Tyler.

Wade Burck