Bombay, Bhutan, and Barwani enjoying breakfast above, after waking up below.
A couple of my guy's babysitting Ramses, who isn't ready to wake up yet, while awaiting the arrival of the rest of the tigers. The youngsters are transported separately from the larger tigers, so we can keep an eye on them better.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Move in Day
Posted by
Wade G. Burck
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Time to give me all the names of the tigers you working with and the behaviors/tricks whatever
your training them ?
You have to learn to be patient, which usually comes with age. :) The white tigers are two months old, and Ramses is 2 1/2 months old. What behaviors did you expect them to be doing? A name is a good start, don't you think? :) I picked up 4 gold males from a zoo on Sunday. They are 8 months old and don't have names yet, sorry. :) Mia and Rambo are going in the old act which is currently on the show and at the moment Mia rolls over lays down, and sits on the second seat from the top on the pyramid. Rambo sits up, lay's down and stretches on the second to last seat on the pyramid opposite Mia. Mia is 3 1/2 and Rambo is 2 years old.
The tigers started as the foundation for the new act aged 9 months are white Caliph, Saladin, Karma, Krishna, and gold Luna and 7 month old gold Om Shanti, and at one year old white Sheva and gold Gala. They all laydown and oblique and have places on the pyramid and Gala sits up. After they lay down 5 are doing a wheel. Karma and Luna are jumping eventually through a fire hoop, and Gala is doing a hind leg walk to the middle of the arena, and also backwards. They are all learning to sit up, and I expect Sheva, Luna, and Caliph to be finished in 10 day's or so.
Give them time Thomas, they are still growing and as they mature physically and mentally will be able to do more. Given the small size of the cage we can only use 14 animals and the seats go completely around the cage from the back to across the front. I don't plan a "routine" before I start, other then a lay down sit up. That is mandatory. I prefer to work with them and try to discover what they can do(that's how we discovered the corbette, the circle leapfrog, the jump over 5 tigers, etc. etc., or what they volunteer to do, then try to capitalize on it, and do something different. That way you start to get away from the "traditional same old same old" routines.
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