Friday, September 9, 2011

Whoop's. Sorry Allen, this email came in after your article was already posted.

There is no need to publish the article I sent you. It was more your your eyes.
This was the only public writings where I mentioned spending time with Sacha.
The word ' target' was used as a verb, not a noun (target sticks) as your buddy "anonymous" claimed, and of course there was absolutely no mention of clickers anywhere.
In fact, I have been one of the most vocal opponents to their (over) use which I believe leads only to perpetual mediocrity.
That article was written with the idea of acquainting a horse audience with the high level of professionalism shown and practiced by Sacha. Most horse owners do not have a clue what goes on behind the scenes.
I well know the image problem faced by the purveyers of animal acts and this article was an attempt to show a side not seen by the public.
Thanks again from taking the time to dig out the crious old posters and information from times past.


Due respect, assuming that anonymous is "my buddy" is a wrong assumption. Akin to you chastising me for posting "unsubstantiated comments."


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