Saturday, September 24, 2011

Monumental Plaza--Game Day Preparation

The "grounds crew" at the Plaza, like their counterparts at Yankee Stadium and Soldier Field have state of the art sticks and bailing twine to insure perfect circles as well as coffee can chalk dispensers, shaken just right assuring not too much, and not to little at their disposal for field preparation.

I was graciously comped an incredible seat, affording me the opportunity to keep an eye on the young men as they prepared for the corrida, as well as being able to offer them sage advice on how to do it correctly. I in turn learned a very useful piece of information from them. If it is windy, and you are concerned with your cape blowing and sending the wrong signal to the bull, soak the bottom of it with water, then drag it in the sand to add weight, thus keeping it stable.

Environmentally sound, fan friendly barriers, separating the riff raff(left) from the "upper class" folks(right.) It probably goes without saying that I was on the right.


Dennis said...

Wade: Shockingly devoid of 'fans'.
How come? Dennis

Wade G. Burck said...

Not shocking at all. The "season" doesn't start until November. That's when the big dog's/big name's come to town. These are just the Novillero fight's with the "amateur wanna be's." The tourist trade and part time fan is not much interested in these. These are for the true follower's/fan's of the game. I sat with a couple of chap's who amazingly on a note pad,(they weren't the only one's. I'd say 60% were keeping notes.) documented every move, every veronica, every pass of each Novillero. Everything including crowd presence, and how they(the Novillero) carried/conducted themselves was written down. Every bull and every move was documented, and they had 4 generation's of pedigrees on hand to look back on. No bullshitting these fans, and they can't be bought with a popcorn or a seat in the "president's/VIP box." They know their stuff better then the young starting out hope to be Matador's. Make a mistake, a blunder, show lack of courage, or do something ignorant and they will boo you right out of the plaza. Maybe why the "best 0 the best" are so honored, and the "players" get a train ticket out town. It is not a deal where you just show up to participate. You better come with your game face on.
