Monday, August 1, 2011

Tanglefoot and Heidi Herriott

website John Milton, have you see this ?


johnny said...

Nice, Thank you Wade. Me and Anthem on the Beatty Show. Heidi has a top notch High School horse and Routine. Bought the horse and id all the training.Name it and they do it. I am very proud to be sure.johnny

Wade G. Burck said...

John Milton,
It would be appropriate to add one of your comments here, 'Once again we see the fabulous talent and abilities of the Houcke circus dynasty,' and change the name Houcke to Herriott. Krone, Houcke, Herriott. That's some powerful horse dynasty, John. I had a secret crush on Heidi a few years back, but was always afraid to make a move for fear her father would break a boot off in my ass.
Regards to you and Mary Ruth,

Dick Flint said...

Great photo, striking position for the horse, and nice styling by the rider! Go Heidi!
Dick Flint