Sunday, August 21, 2011

Courtesy of John Goodall

I have received a number of links to Kelly-Miller stories that I haven't posted because of statements like this "
when she last attended a circus, and a sterile indoor event at that" usually quoted by the "deuce." I don't chose to be a part of that nonsense. Circus's used to knock rodeo, video, movies, etc. in an effort to validate themselves. When that didn't work, they went after multi billion dollar Cirque Solei. Now it looks like they are going after anything bigger and better then them by referring to it as a "sterile indoor event." Not very classy, and very much a "tall grass showman" maneuver to alibi your small offering. If anyone has anything with the Feld Corporation stating that they are a grand, big building show, "not at all like the junk you see set up in a corn field" please send it to me. In fact send anything from a building producer expressing a similar sentiment. Why is there a need to knock something, in an effort to justify what the folks will see at your show? I should think it could stand on it's own merit's. I have noted that Kelly-Miller has become the "American Circus Charles Knie." Hand out enough popcorn, comp enough "president's box's," get as many fans on board as you can, and your show can be jackpotted into an imagined "Big Time."

: lacking in stimulating emotional or intellectual quality : a sterile work of art

For my enlightenment and knowledge, could you please point out to me what "stimulating emotional or intellectual quality" your show provides that a indoor event does not? So far, the only difference I have noted is that the dressing room's suck(non existent) and I am ruining some classic Larry Mahan ostrich boot's in the mud, because I just can't bring my self to walk around in rubber muck out boot's. Any emotional or intellectual stimulation is provided by the quality and content of the show, not the venue it is presented in.

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