Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bullfighting History

Earlier this week, photos were distributed on Mundo Taurino of the Corrida from Mexican Ganaderia Barralva. To say the least, the disaster which is the empresa of Plaza Mexico once again run by Rafael HerrerĂ­as has proven it has no shame. Four out of the six toros sent for the January 26th 2009 corrida which is the Confirmation for Miguel Angel Perera, are bizcos. Embarrassingly so. With such attention on the Confirmation of Parera who shares the cartel with Padrino Manolo Mejia and Testigo Jose Mauricio, one would think the empresa would raise the standards. Such is not the case, and such is the perfect example of the mess Plaza Mexico is.

"As we all know, there is good and bad in everything, even the circus. Amazingly, in the world of bullfighting most of the "policing" and "upholding standards" is done by the fan's who insist on the best and have no problem pointing out "junk." Bizcos are "crossed" or impure fighting bulls lacking the necessary physique, stamina and skill to be great. Can you imagine a true circus fan calling to task someone running some shaggy ponies around the ring or a dirty old camel and attempting to pass it off as a "liberty act?" Or some old paralyzed trunked elephant's as an "elephant act?"

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