Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bullfighting History

In the same room as the head mount below were three Jaguar mount's of animals that had been killed in the area in the 1920's.

When a free moment present's it's self I occupy my time by searching for famous fighting bull's. Two weeks ago I found one in an abandoned ranch house in Teoloyucan. As the floor's were rotted away I couldn't go in the house and had to shoot the above picture through the window so I apologize for the quality. I have only the word of the old man who took me to the house to go by, but he claims the above bull was killed by El Cordobes in 1963. As they didn't have brass plaques on which to record information in the early day's everything was painted. All I could read on the faded inscription below the bull's neck was "Cordobes" and a date of Nov. 27, 1963 and the word "Plaza". Who know's it may be the bull pictured below?

El Cordobes 1963

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