Monday, May 16, 2011

Helping Bob Barker "dump a load."

Artaida 2009

Sofia Zoos only elephant Artaida to be provided with a bed by months end.

Mar. 4, 2007: The cow elephant of the Sofia Zoo will have a bed by the months end, Dr. Ivan Ivanov, director of the zoo, told FOCUS News Agency. ´The bed is in fact a wall, alongside which sand will be piled at a 45 degree angle and 65 degrees at some places. The elephant will lean upon the sand to rest´, Ivanov explained. At present the elephant doesnt have a bed.

"Doesn't have a bed? DOESN'T HAVE A BED!!!!!! My God!!!! Even the orphans in Sofia at least have a bed!!!! Granted crawling with ants, but a bed none the less, so there is no justification for having a "bedless elephant in Sofia."

Elephant data base:

Jan. 30, 2006: One of the symbols of Sofias Zoo the elephant Sivitri passed away Monday morning aged 58, which is equal to 100 human years. The elephant named after an Indian goddess was first transported to Sofia from India at the age of 7. Sivitri was first transported to Sofia back in 1955. In India she "worked" at a school for lumbermen. Sivitri was the eldest animal at Sofia Zoo.

"So is 58 a good age or a bad age for an elephant, with out a bed?"

For Radar, above is a "cultural photo" from 2004 Cultural Roundup of Artaida labled A Sofia zoo worker cleans newcomer Artaida, a 42-year-old female elephant sent as a present to Bulgaria by a German zoo as part of a European rare species preservation programme. [AFP]

This is Artaida's "bio" from EleWiki Translate this page and it appears she has had an "accident" or two. You have to wonder who is bullshitting who, don't you? Or another way of putting it is, "dishonesty regarding his(Bob Barker's) exploitation." If you recall, I have already had the fine folks at the Ruhr Zoo take me to task and inform me that they are "above board" when I questioned the validity of keeping a dwarf polar bear around, in an effort at breeding endangered species.

Bulgaria Gazette--2008

The 47-year-old elephant Artayda also receives special attention. She came from Germany with injured legs and that necessitated Alan Rockfort’s arrival to Sofia Zoo. He came to Bulgaria voluntarily and taught the stuff how to take care of the elephant. Now Artayda is completely healthy, gaining weight and happy. She enjoys one of the biggest areas in the Zoo – over 2 000 square meters. Soon another one or two elephants are expected to arrive and join her.

Artaida above in 2006

A pack of stray dogs got into the grounds of the Sofia Zoo and killed a total of 15 animals, including deer and fawn, Bulgaria's bTV reported on January 31 2010.

The incident occurred a week ago. Apparently, the pack of strays got into the the deer enclosure via a car park near the fence. Having climbed a structure in the parking lot, the pack then jumped into the zoo grounds.

BTV said that the animals were "ruthlessly dismembered" and only the large male deer survived as they fended off the strays with their antlers.

"The dogs came in through that parking area. No one bothered to ask me if they could built this here or not. I received no warning. Unfortunately, this is how the incident must have happened," Ivan Ivanov, Sofia Zoo director told bTV.

Zoo staff who failed to prevent the attack have been punished. Reportedly, they were unarmed at the time, but in the aftermath of the attack, staff have been issued with gas pistols.

"This incident could have been easily prevented," Ivanov was quoted as saying. "Now every shift is issued three gas pistols," he said.

New animals have been ordered to replace the ones killed in the attack. They will be supplied to Sofia Zoo from various nature parks and other zoos in the country.

Vicious attacks by stray dogs in Bulgaria are not uncommon. Many Sofians, as well as Bulgarians across the country, are frequent subjects of harassment, and sometimes violent attacks.

On October 19 2009, a pack of stray dogs dismembered a six-year-old girl, Kristiana Marinova, from the Razgrad village of Topchii.

The girl was spending the weekend with her grandmother in the village of Sushevo when a pack of dogs attacked her while she was on her way to the grocery shop. The dogs attacked her savagely and repeatedly, with one canine tearing into her throat. The pack was eventually dispersed by shopkeeper Kassim Zuhtyo.

The dogs reportedly belonged to 49-year-old teacher Elena Bankova who has about a dozen dogs in her garden, which reportedly have free access to and from the yard and are often seen in the village, chasing cars and terrorising locals.

The Sofia Echo witnessed a case when a pack of stray dogs attacked an elderly woman in the park at Ritualna Zala in the Sofia borough of Hipodrouma in the beginning of January 2010; only the swift reaction of several young men who were at a nearby bench prevented the situation from escalating further.

In 2007, British woman Ann Gordon died after being attacked in the Bulgarian village of Nedyalsko.

According to the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS), as of September 2009, there were more than 8500 stray dogs in Sofia alone.

Artaida above in 2010. It look's like she is pretty hooked up now, as she has a bed and new fancy hot wire webbing around her enclosure, instead of that awful hot wire "wire" that farmer's use to contain cattle. Oddly enough, if you look at the 2006 picture above, and this clip it appears the old girl likes to stand in this exact spot and and throw sand on herself? They don't get much unhappier than that, do they.

Who want's Bob Barkers $100,000.00(approx. 138,876.00 Lev(BGL)? In an orderly fashion, no pushing and shoving please form a single line to the left, if you would like to take it off of his hands. As stated in the Bulgaria Gazette 2008 above: Now Artayda is completely healthy, gaining weight and happy, so I think it would be nice if the Bobster would help these kids in the clips above have the same option of "being completely healthy, gaining weight, and happy." The video above was taken in 2009 and in 2010 this word was posted: 'Just received word today from our director in Bulgaria that Boshidara has passed. I am happy for her! Finally she can rest from the awful life she endured. She's now back safe in God's arms to be loved like she should have been all along.' See how you cheated, and those eunuch, declawed lion's from Bolivia, Bob? Quite abusing those elephants at PAWS, let them rest from the awful life they have endured. Let them be safe in God's arms.

As I asked the question above, in regards to Sofia Zoo's elephant Sivitra who died at age 58, "So is 58 a good age or a bad age for an elephant, with out a bed?" I guess I would be remiss if I didn't also ask, "what is a good age or a bad age for a child to die, with a bed with ant?"

Now it is up to me to schmooze(I am not real good at sucking up, but I'll try) the Bobster:


Bobster, it's apparent you aren't going to give your offer of 100 grand to my mother so she can move to a warmer place then North Dakota, and as Toronto and Edmonton have declined, did you know that it is colder then a well diggers boot's in Bulgaria in the winter time? I wouldn't suggest it, except now that you seem to have gone "Imperial" like a monarchy of old, with shipping the lions from Bolivia and building them a climate controlled bio-dome in Colo. and telling the Canadian's what to do with their elephants, I thought you would be interested in this zoo deal in Sofia, although it look's like they may be on track because they built the elephant a bed, and she has new up-town hot wire web around her enclosure. Don't worry about that deal with the dog's. It has to be some kind of rare, rare "fluke" for them to have an "accident" like that because we know they are domesticated, even "man's best friend", and as we know only elephants, who aren't domesticated, suffer from PTS Sydrome at the hands of man, causing "accidents" we have to figure we will never hear about one of these dog "accidents" again; God help us if elephants ever become "domesticated." Then they will probably pack-up like dog's to have "accidents!!!!!"

What I want you to do Bobster, is leave the elephant folks alone for a minute and go to Bulgaria. Trust me, the elephants in the United States and Canada will be alright until you get back. I would like to have you take 9,999.00 in cash, so you don't have any beef's with immigration, and your bank card. Before the chauffeur takes you to the zoo(it's not a priority because Artaida already has a bed), I would like for you to stop at one of the many places in Bulgaria that I have posted in the last clip here for you. Offer them your 100 clams, your 100 big ones. Shoot, do the right human thing and offer them more. I know you still have piles left, even after your Price Is Right "show broad's" tried to muscle it away from you. If the folks at the orphanage decline, then I don't know what to tell you. I guess you will just have to keep it, or quite being bull headed and give it to my mother who fancies a warm place to live.


Ryan Easley said...

What is a "cultural photo?" Is PK going to count bullhooks for us again?

I suspect Mr. Rockfort is actually Mr. Roocroft.

Wade G. Burck said...

'Culture is a set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group. It encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, values systems, traditions and beliefs. Respecting and safeguarding culture is a matter of Human Rights. "Cultural Diversity" presupposes respect of fundamental freedoms, namely freedom of thought, conscience and religion, freedom of opinion and expression, and freedom to participate in the "cultural life" of one's choice.'

I suppose it is the same thing as Cultural Diversity and cultural life only it is a picture, thus 'cultural photo.' See, easy to understand if you would quit trying to be a trouble maker like Bob. How do you know Mr. Rockfort isn't James Garner? Rockford is closer then Roocroft?

Forget bull hooks pal. Note it only take's one broom to subjugate a tough elephant, and make it cringe in fear. Sweeping!!! Ha, that's a terrified elephant if I have ever seen one.

PK said...

You may from this day forward refer to me as The Count DeBullhook.

Casey McCoy Cainan said...


I suggest Mr. Barker go die-rect-lee to a specific sweat shop in China or maybe Taiwan. I say specific, even though I am not sure the location. I want the "Bobster" to drop 100 G's on closing down the sweat shop that provides Walmart with all the 10X and plus spandex that the larger women are so fond of here in the USA. He would be getting the double whammy for his buck, a two-fur if you will.
1. One improve working conditions and wages in a foreign country (Something he probably knows as much about as elephants)
2. Stop the horrible jokes everyone makes when a large woman is seen wearing spandex yoga pants "Look at that! It's like 20lbs of cottage cheese in a 5 lb ziplock baggy" Because this my friends IS REAL CRUELTY!

So look Bobby, do the right thing. Take on a higher cause on a higher road. You will sleep better at night.

Wade G. Burck said...

LOL, LOL I've warned you once, you have to stop that!!! Now, just quit!!! I'm glad the serf's in lower Bullshitski, have a Lord worthy to tell them how to live their life right. Long live the Count.

Wade G. Burck said...

That's fine to talk, but what is Chip Arthur going to do for costumes if they decide to also shut down the WalMart polo shirt, black pants, and sneaker trade??? Use your head.
"Spandex yoga pants" must be a new term you youngsters use. We always just called them sausage casings.

Ryan Easley said...

Am I missing something here? I count two guys with brooms and/or bull hooks. Sounds like bull chicanery. What is the back guy doing?

While we are on the topic of political correctness, what is the public-friendly term for a bull tub now?

Anonymous said...

Spandex/yoga pants is what they call wardrobe nowdays. When's the last time you saw a show? They are what used rental tuxes and ruffled shirts were back in the day. Throw a strip of sequin banding on and "voila" you got wardrobe. Scan through the history channel and you'll see many examples.

Wade G. Burck said...

Elephantine settee. Where have you been pal? You better stay up on the fast moving world of animal political correctness, if you are going to be any good to the data base. They haven't used the "et" word since the the Bobster was patting dames on the bottom, and whispering "atta girl" in their ear's after a good spin of the wheel.