Saturday, April 9, 2011

Ghost Zoo--Jungle Land, Thousand Oaks, Calif. Oct. 9, 1969


Jim A. said...

At least I did get to see the last of the old Marineland. I would have to admit it was in poor condition from years of sun and saltwater. You'd have to use your imagination to picture the guys in sailor suits and jumping dolphins but the crumbling concrete structures were still around. Never did get to see 1,000 Oaks. Probably would overlook some of the less than desiriable enclosures just to see the arena where Mabel Stark, Frank Clements, Tony Vitanza, and others performed. Must have been something. Couldn't have even made the auction on a Wednesday - I was busy, got married that Saturday.

Wade G. Burck said...

That's crazy!!!! Your fiance wouldn't delay the wedding for a week so you could make the auction? I tell you what pal, you missed a golden opportunity to establish who was wearing the pants in this deal!!!!