Saturday, February 26, 2011

Westphalian Horse Museum at the Münster Zoo

A friend from Germany sent me a link to a most amazing Museum idea I think I have ever heard of.

Westfälisches Pferdemuseum Münster Translate this page

Located on the zoo grounds of the Munster Zoo,

Allwetterzoo Münster

it features horse show's, equine history and exhibits as well as zoo history. Below is a partial list of upcoming shows. I note the name Lisa Herrmann and wonder if anyone know's if she is from the Herrmann family of Lipizzan fame here in the United States.

April 2011

Sunday, 03/04/2011
12.30 und 14.00 Uhr
12.30 and 14.00 clock

Friesen Baroque riding on Andalusian and Friesian

Accomplished classical dressage, performed on and with two typical "baroque" horse races. by: Anke Fiedler and her team show "
Nicole Narten and the guest rider Nicole Narten

Sunday, 10/04/2011
12.30 und 14.00 Uhr
12.30 and 14.00 clock

Circus lessons along with funny tricks of horse, dog and man Lisa Herrmann

Sunday, 17/04/2011
12.30 und 14.00 Uhr
12.30 and 14.00 clock

Baroque Pearls: Riding in the Saddle, and more ... The art in the side seat to ride and other elements of the baroque horse with: Show Team "Baroque Pearls"

On the "translate" link to the site(for you Colonist's) click on "Special Exhibition" to see Zoo Stories: Wild Animals for Europe, a touring exhibition, as well as "Permanent Exhibition" and "Arena Hippomaxx."

From the Westphalian Horse Museum site:

A unique concept and the attractive location of Münster Zoo make the Westphalian Horse Museum a memorable experience for all. With 1000 square meters of exhibition space and a spacious foyer is held for the Museum Hippomaxx the arena in which a regular horse shows and other events. Since May 2005, including the children - and horse park, home to several breeds of horses and Poitu giant ass.

Because Zoo/Animal Training and Husbandry History is so fascinating and wonderful to me this below is FYI:

The post card above is a statue of Prof. Dr. Hermann Landois who was the founder and first Director of the Munster Zoo when it opened in 1875. Below is Tuckesburg the house in lived in which still stands on the grounds of the Munster Zoo. The Prof. Dr. was quite a "colorful" character apparently. Years I ago, I don't recall now what book, I read about stories of him living in this house and keeping a stuffed owl in the tower on the right, that he used to sit and talk with for hours, which concerned the folks in the community greatly.

I found information about Prof. Dr. Landois on the great web site of The Association of German Zoo Directors (VDZ), which I spend a lot of time on, as it contains incredible, great history. Unfortunately Prof. Dr's. "bio" is in German, and it translates for shit on Google. If Marco Kirsten, Director of Circusnospin's Translation Department could tranlate the "account" of Prof. Dr. Landois it would be appreciated. Does anybody else have any information about the wild and crazy Herman Landois?

From VDZ:

Hermann Johann Theodor Landois der Begründer von Zoo und Naturkundemuseum in Münster gilt als eines der münsterschen Originale. Der studierte Theologe erwarb sich noch heute gültige Verdienste in naturwissenschaftlichen, insbesondere in zoologischen Disziplinen. Nach dem Studium der Theologie empfing Landois zwar 1859 die Priesterweihe, wurde aber aufgrund ständiger Auseinandersetzungen mit der Amtskirche 1876 suspendiert und widmete sich nunmehr ganz den Naturwissenschaften, deren Studium er bereits während seiner theologischen Ausbildung betrieben hatte. In Greifswald wurde er mit einer Arbeit über Insekten 1863 als Zoologe promoviert, erhielt 1869 einen Ruf als Privatdozent an die Königliche Akademie in Münster, übernahm 1871 die Direktion des Zoologischen und Anatomischen Museums der Akademie und wurde 1873 zum Professor der Zoologie ernannt.

Auch als Professor führte Landois ein unbürgerliches und oft Anlass zur öffentlichen Kritik gebendes Leben, was ihm im Volksmund den Titel „de unwiese Profässer“ einbrachte. Auf höchst originelle Art betrieb er die Gründung und Betreuung des Zoologischen Gartens in Münster. So gründete er zu diesem Zweck nicht nur eine Aktiengesellschaft, sondern veranstaltete auch Völkerschauen und Froschschenkel- oder Bärentatzenessen. 1875 wurde der Zoo eröffnet. Hier hatte Landois fortan auch seinen Wohnsitz in der sogenannten Tuckesburg

Landois war Verfasser zahlreicher Schriften - von wissenschaftlichen Artikeln bis zu Romanen - auf Hoch- und Plattdeutsch. Er war auch der Erfinder der heute noch gebräuchlichen "Landoisklappen", d.h. von den Tieren selbst zu öffnende Schwingtüren zwischen Innen- und Aussengehege.


Anonymous said...

I thought Munster was in Ireland. Sincerely Paul

Marco said...

Johann Hermann Theodor Landois studied theology, received his ordination but was suspended because of constant clashes with the official church in 1876. After that he devoted himself entirely to the natural sciences, eventually receiving his doctorate in zoology with a thesis on insects in 1863. In 1871 he became Director of the Zoological and Anatomical Museum of the Royal Academy in Munster and was appointed Professor of Zoology in 1873.

Landois led a very unconventional life that was often criticized in public. In a highly original way he founded and ran the zoo in Muenster. To get funding he opened the zoo as a public company, organized Völkerschauen and frogs' legs and bear paws feasts. In 1875 the zoo opened.

Landois was the author of numerous publications - from scientific articles to novels - in German and invented the so-called "Landoisklappen", a gate between the inner and outer enclosures which allows the animals to open it on their own (guess like a cat door).

Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. That's why I pay you the big bucks.
How about that "bear paw feast" folks!!!! I bet that was an annual hootenanny that peta would have loved. Quite a creative "members only Dine with the Director" fund drive.