Monday, January 31, 2011

New GGW Picture

I have never seen the picture above of GGW, and my wonderful son Eric was kind enough to send it too me with the note:

Have you ever seen this picture before? I thought you would like it. I like it because it reminds me of my favorite picture of you,(see below) the black and white one with you hugging Conan.
I love you, Eric

Aren't children the most precious, wonderful beings on earth. I love you to, Eric. With all my heart.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that is eeriIy awesome. That was a amazing period of circus animal training. I think it is nice when you as you say "hang paper" for yourself once in awhile as you do for other trainers, Wade. You were/are one of the great ones and I hope I am half a successful some day.

An admirer

Anonymous said...

these are both cute and charming photos.

Wade G. Burck said...

Anonymous 1,
Thank you, and yes it was indeed a grand period of circus animal training, and I am grateful for being able to see it, as well as be a part of it.

Anonymous 2,
Kinda, but not in the true spirit of "cute and charming," which is staged or set up. These were spontaneous and only rank "charming."
