Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tilburg Nature Park, now Burgers Zoo. Continued from Thur. Nov. 4th thread.

Burgers Zoo in Arnhem is the biggest zoo in the Netherlands. Arnhem is a city that lies within the Veluwe, a nature park in the east of the Netherlands. The zoo is popular with both Dutch and German people.

It has 8 theme sites:

1. Dierenpark (the original zoo),
2. Safari (Afrikan-safaripark),
3. Bush (indoor, tropical rainforest),
4. Mangrove (indoor, mangrove swamp),
5. Desert (indoor, the Sonoran Desert),
6. Ocean (seawater aquariums),
7. Rimba (Southeast Asian rainforest),
8. Avonturenand (zoo's playground),

Apart from presenting many of its animals in simulated habitat in spacious indoors ecosystems, Burgers Zoo also has facilities for conservation and captive breeding of animals nearly extinct.
The Socorro Dove (Zenaida graysoni) for example does not exist outside captivity at present; it was wiped out by introduced mammals on its home island.
The species is being bred in Burgers Zoo for eventual reintroduction into the wild.


Rob said...

Wade ,there is some confussion here.Tilburgs Nature Park is not Burgers Zoo now.Burgers Zoo in Arnhem was already there,before they started the one in Tilburg.
Tilburg was some kind of dependance.Because they bought ,and took care of, a lot of animals from the animal dealer van Dijk,they later sold the place to him.Write this with stomachpain from laughing ,because of your first comment to Thomas on the Nov.4th tread.


Wade G. Burck said...

Thank you. Yes, I was confused. Burgers Zoo looks like such a fine zoo, when I researched it, I had a difficult time understanding how it could have started as a place like the pictures of Tilburg Nature Park. I also misunderstood Thomas at first, "First it called Burgers Dierenpark (= Burgers Animal Park) later they changed the name to Tilburgs nature and animal park."
How about that Thomas? I asked him the name of the lions, how many babies they had, etc. etc. and he tells me the names of the elephants??? If I had asked him what color of underwear Jim Clubb wear's to train lion's in, he would have known the answer straight a way. LOL

Rob said...

You could see the influence of the Burgers Zoo people ,when they opened the Tilburgs Dierenpark in the way the enclosures were build and designed.They looked very similar at first.Regarding the color of Jim Clubbs underwear,that would be easy,because when he reads all this ,he would have laughed his pants off.
