Saturday, November 6, 2010

Basel Zoo

Above is the proposed construction site of Basel Zoo's new ape facility. Below is their current gorilla house.

Zoo Basel is Switzerland's oldest and largest zoo (by number of animals). It is a major tourist attraction with nearly 1.7 million visitors per year making it the most visited paid tourist attraction in Switzerland.

Zoo Basel was ranked as one of the fifteen best zoos in the world by Forbes Travel in 2008 and in 2009 as seventh best in Europe by Anthony Sheridan from the Zoological Society of London.

The zoo had the first worldwide Indian Rhino birth and Greater Flamingos hatch in a zoo. It also has had repeated breeding successes with Cheetahs (18 births), Okapi (22), Pygmy Hippos (53), flamingos (over 400 hatches), and many others. Furthermore, every Somali Wild Ass in a zoo is related to the population in Basel, where this species zoological breeding program was started

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