Saturday, November 6, 2010

Atlanta/Fulton County "ban the circus" legistation flushed down the donniker.

A big thank you to all who helped get the word out that extremists were working to ban the elephant guide tool - thus the circus - in Fulton County (Atlanta) Georgia!
Thank you to the circus fans who personally attended the meeting in Atlanta...and to the dozens who wrote letters, sent emails and faxes, and made phone calls.
American circus goers (and there are millions of us) won the right to "choose" to attend (or not) a circus featuring our favorite stars - the elephants! How sad that we live
in a society that has created profitable businesses around allegations of abuse, seldom backed up with empirical evidence.
We will campaign against destructive legislation again, likely in Atlanta, and elsewhere, as long as there are those who would take away our rights to enjoy a circus with performing animals. We must be vigilant and steadfast. We advocate for the circus, for the welfare (not "rights") of animals and for elephants, by putting the facts forward to contrast with the fiction. Common sense and logic usually prevail.
WE THE PEOPLE must not allow an elite few to legislate our rights away. In San Francisco this week, the elite few legislated HAPPY MEALS out of existence. The people no
longer have the right to choose! What's next? Will we ban high school football? (injury is inevitable) Swimming has to go... (too dangerous) Ixnay Birthday Cake (all that sugar)
YOU deserve the thanks for answering the call to action! YOUR participation is swift and effective. YOU have made a difference again!
Gary C. Payne
Eastern Vice President
Chairman - Nat'l Animal Welfare Committee
Circus Fans Association of America 860-833-7925


Congratulations to Gary Payne, OABA and others who helped with this matter. A great victory that has been over due. I am concerned at the use of the term "elite" to describe the opponents in this matter. That sounds a bit, "cry baby, boo hoo, why is everybody picking on us" to me. Being an objector to you beliefs, doesn't necessarily make someone a monster. Let the French peasant's keep that term for their next revolution. I am very troubled by the statement "injury is inevitable" in regards to high school football, and remind Mr. Payne that the "injury is inevitable" statement has been updated recently to "deaths that may occur." As a father of two son's who played high school football, that is of great concern to me, and I suggest that it is of greater importance, then sugerless birthday cake or toyless happy meals. If that makes me "elite", so be it. Again, great victory but I think we need to temper our enthusiasm with a bit of dignity and grace. I am just saying........

3 comments: said...

WADE Thanks for posting...Don't think we are just sitting back and waiting for "Happy Hour." No doubt Fulton Cty issue isn't dead and will probably rear its head again in the future. Just added from our side in the past three weeks is check this website out from time to time.. Get on and go down the left margin and click on GRASSROOTS once on Grassroots you can go to any state in the USA and check out up to date animal Legislation. Our side is moving along in 2010. And will be ready to come out of the gates in 2011. Some of us haven't and won't jump ship...Also "No Spin Zone" is listed on the right margin of followthecirus...

Wade G. Burck said...

I surely wasn't suggesting that anyone was sitting back and waiting for Happy Hour. Quite the contrary, you and other great, dedicated fans and supporters of the circus need to be treated to Happy Hour by the circus industry. Without your help and assistance this ship would have sunk long ago.
Just a reminder, I have you covered for coffee at Starbucks, across the street, on my ring of fame induction day. I am not springing for a high dollar grande, but I will treat you to a tall Pike blend. Croissants are on Dicky K.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for being supportive of the efforts we circus (CFA) fans make to protect the rights of those who show and those who wish to enjoy performing animals. We believe that inclusion of animals in the life of humans equates to education and that equates to preservation of the species...including, and especially, elephants, lions, and tigers! Thanks again! Gary C. Payne, Chairman, CFA's National Animal Welfare Committee