Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Great Flea Market Find--Mayme Ward


Unknown said...

That's my Grandma!!!1

Wade G. Burck said...


Welcome. Although I never knew your Grandmother, her exploits and accomplishments were the thing of legends. I did know Mayme's daughter Geniveve very well, as well as Mayme's Granddaughter Wanda Ward. Wanda did, in my estimation one of the greatest single trapeze act's of all time, finishing with the greatest one armed planges ever attempted, with 100 being the norm. Added with her incredibly athletic body and thick, long red hair, Wanda was truly a sight to behold.

Unknown said...

Genivieve was my Auntie, my father was Harold. Wanda is my cousin. Through estrangements that happened when I was a little girl, I have never really been close to them. I live in Los Angeles, and I am a professional artist. I am proud of my family and if you ever decide to part with that postcard, I would love to have it! My website is: www.julianamartinezart.com

Unknown said...

Just saw the photo.sorry it took so long.love to talk to you.loved my uncle harold.wanda