Friday, September 10, 2010

Permit me to go "Glenn Beck" for a moment, and ponder WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!!!

Pictured above is the gentleman who man's the blog, mentioned in the thread below, titled GRUMPY VEGAN and he adds, "Grumpy from birth but vegan since 1976." His name is Kim W. Stallwood. That is some valuable insight he gave us, because we have to then assume(and be more understanding) of why he is grumpy and an animal rights advocate. I figure it is because his folks named him a girl's name(shoot, Johnny Cash almost beat his father to death, in the mud, and the blood, and the beer, because he named him Sue. Even cut off a piece of his ear!!!!) We might also be able to speculate that the "W" is short for "Wadded up", which his knickers apparently are when we address that he is a staunch animal rights advocate, who won't eat em, train em, restrain em, or use em, yet is sitting here with his little dog, cradled like a primate/human baby(canines don't like that, you moron. They only accept it, given their "enslaved life." It is a tactile position genetically hardwired to be comfortable to humans and primates. They have hands and arms, thus the capability. Canines have teeth and a mouth with which they hold their offspring, until they are too big. Do you get it now, animal right activist?) I also note that the, all of 4 pound dog has a pink(I am not insinuating anything, I am just saying) collar on, in which to "control" him!!!!! Yet Sue, whoops sorry, Kim begrudges spurs and bit to a man "controlling" a 1,100 pound horse, an ankus to a man "controlling" a 5 ton elephant, or a whip and meat stick to a man "controlling" a cage full of 500 pound carnivore's!!!!!
I would be remiss if I did not also point out that his dog, enslaved by the pink collar, is named "Beano"(go figure). I should hope given that Sue, whoops sorry, Kim is also a human rights activist, that "Beano" is not a euphemism for "Beaner", given it is a "Mexican" Chihuahua

Give me a break. What a bunch of self serving counterfeits these vegan/animal rights screwballs are. Oh, by the way, the Grumpy Vegan isn't from his own Private Idaho, he is from England. Remember that, as we continue down "Glenn Beck Highway."

Last week, I posted photo's and stories, about two new zoo elephant enclosures, one in Hawaii and one in the District of Columbia. I also hung some great paper for a man who's work I respect very much in the zoological field(type David Hancocks in the search bar. I even compared him to Carl Hagenbeck in a thread last year). A gentleman named Allen W. Nyhuis, noted "co-author" and "expert elephant habitat/husbandry witness"(he said it, I didn't. I would have assumed he meant expert on what speed film to use on a cloudy day as opposed to inside a bright tropic house, pointed out to me that the man I was applauding, David Hancocks as well as his mate Peter Stroud(who I didn't applaud, but rather pointed out he was a self server with an agenda, otherwise he could have pointed out the the Washington elephants were walked "Buddhist temple style" or "Hannibal over the mountain style" instead of "circus style" so he doesn't count for beans ) were opponents of zoo's. As David Hancocks has a boat load more of captive animal credential then Allen W. Nyhuis( he has even taken a few decent zoo pictures), I gave Mr. Hancocks the benefit of the doubt, and defended him, assuming he had a real, real good reason and hung some additional Hancocks paper.

Within 24 hrs. someone contacted Mr. Hancocks and Mr. Hancocks graciously thanked me for coming to his defense(heck, I know what it feels like to be kicked in boy's, because you were the first Lemming to step out of the "popular" opinion line, and point out to the other Lemmings that they were going to fall of the cliff.) After he got through whinning about getting picked on, the only valid reason he gave for mobbing up with the multitude of animal activist groups he is now associated with was
this excerpted from his reply:
"Dear Wade Burck:

As you may know, I have long been critical of zoos, for reasons very similar to those of Peter Stroud and others who have worked in zoos, becoming disenchanted because most zoos too readily accept mediocrity.

Healthy and progressive zoos would be their own strongest critics, but sadly most zoos are notoriously unwilling to objectively examine their basic purpose. The result is that spin doctors and marketing people are gaining ever more power in zoo decision making. This will be to everyone's detriment.

Indeed, I am increasingly concerned that zoos are in danger of becoming irrelevant" end quote.

Wow, that made sense to me, because I have always felt the circus is headed in the same direction of irrelevancy because of the acceptance of mediocrity also. Now, I don't normally get the chance to sit down and go mano a mano with a man of David Hancocks esteemed knowledge and expertise, so I took the opportunity to ask him a few questions that were bothersome to me. That was almost a week ago, and Mr. Hancocks seems to have spun out of my driveway so fast, he threw rocks on the lawn. I know he is receiving his mail, because he contacted me within 24 hours of his mate delivering the good news. Damn, you don't suppose the first time I was his tax refund, and the second time I was his over due electric bill, do you? I am just going to assume Mr. Hancocks is very busy right now, and will get back to me later. It would just kill me to have to admit that my mate, Steve Robinson was right. After all he just lives in Austalia, so WTF does he know about goings on there!!!!! You would have to torture me to get me to admit that maybe Mr. Nyhuis was on to something, when he suggest that Mr. Hancocks had been flipped(that's a word I learned watching a documentary on organized crime. When Sammy the Bull, who used to kill people for the mob got caught, he "flipped" or turned states evidence against John Gotti, and went into a witness protection program.) Nope, I don't care what anyone says, he is just busy and will get back to me soon. Oh, by the way, David Handcocks and Peter Stroud both have ties to England. Remember that, as we continue down "Glenn Beck Highway."

Two years ago when Prince Conservationist, ruling head of Monaco, stage of the Monte Carlo Circus Festival "donated" some leopards to Will Travers and Born Free, to get that "bit of bad new's off his hands", I suggested that the circus world quite high fiving him long enough to realize he had just supplied ammunition to enemy and that they should be more concerned with the war coming to the Colonies. Oh, by the way, Born Free is a British organization, and both Mr. Hancocks and Mr. Stroud(although he is invalidated remember) are affiliated with them. As well as the space cadet we met earler named Sue, sorry Kim. Remember that, as we continue down "Glenn Beck Highway."

Fast forward to this week. Did you see the elephant sanctuary in Tenn. appointed a new lead dog for their dog sled team? Oh, by the way, he is from England. Remember that, as we continue down "Glenn Beck Highway."

What has been the point in pointing out that all the lines seem to lead to England? Here's the point? Until I hear from Jim Clubb, that this is all a coincidence and a misunderstanding, I am going to start stock piling tea, cheap, so I can sell it at an inflated price later when it is taxed for lot's of cash, and big, big prize's. Then I am going to see about getting Boston Harbor barricaded. The rest of you Yanks, your on your own. Do what you want, but don't forget, "been there, done that." I don't like guns, so somebody else is going to have to fire a shot across their bow. Me? I am going to be busy in the warehouse stacking tea boxes.


Anonymous said...

LOL, well written.

Anonymous said...

from Jim Stockley:
Kim W. Stallwood is ex-ALF, ex-BUAV, former editor-in-chief of The Animals Agenda, the founder of the Animal Rights Network (ARN =the world's largest library on animal rights) and was imported into the USA by PeTA ........ and you are most welcome to him. Ronnie Lee and the Band of Mercy were the first AR group (English, of course)and Stallwood was there with them. Singer just formalised the hymn-sheet they all sing from. English AR is low rent, that's why they all head to the USA and go after the big money. Save a box of tea for me Wade ;-)

Wade G. Burck said...

I'm most welcome to shit!!!! I was just going to contact you and tell you we were going to jam those painting(if you had painted those 50 years ago, it got you a 3 year stint in Belle Vue as a schizophrenic, now it is called "expression!!!) up his arse to keep him buoyant and set him adrift. I figured he would run aground near Freetown by the end of Oct. If you could keep an eye on him until the end of Nov., when the current changes, then kick him back in and set him adrift up into the Davis Strait at Greenland, it would be appreciated. He should bob(don't worry about sharks. There is some chum even they won't touch)into Baffin Bay around the end of Dec., where he won't make the winter jammed into an ice floe. That's the best option, because Clubb doesn't want him either. Steve Robinson has all the Pommy's he can handle right now, and doesn't want to board any more. You can have the dog. Hell, make it a movie star if you want. It come's with a pink collar, for ease in choking it down, should the renegade go walk about. I got you, and a few other mates covered on the tea. The rest of the Limies and Loyalist's can fish it out of the water. I'm still hurting over that last deal, so it won't be any high line Earl Gray. It will be some low rent Lipton Green but at least you won't have to dry it out before you can steep it.
Be safe,

Unknown said...

Dear Wade:
My apologies for a late response. 1, Sickness (It's flu season here) and 2, busy with very overdue deadline. Also I have to admit I spend very little time on the internet.
Furthermore, I am not smart enough to figure out how to find the questions you posed earlier! As I recall you asked me (I think) about comments by Peter Stroud and by IDA, and about criticisms from both of them on zoos.
I cannot speak for either of them, of course, but it does occur to me that if zoos would be more diligent critics of their own standards and activities, rather than spending so much energy on circling their wagons and on singing their own praises, then there would be much less need for non-zoo people to do that job for them.
I hope that your blog encourages some of them to be more objective and less circumspect. As for me -- and I suspect maybe also for you -- I get kicked from both sides.

Clyde Gaw said...

You are your own worst enemy. The artist nails the general cruelty of human treatment of animals on this planet and your blatherings reflect your arrogance.

Wade G. Burck said...

I am assuming you wanted to comment on the other post, but mistakenly posted here. That said, get real pal!! If "nailing" to you is the crap that "artist" does, then I can only think the red dragon nonsense you are standing in front of on your profile picture in your interpretation of a Komodo. The "artist" in question is about as factual as a Frank Frazetta or Boris Vallejo depiction of horsemanship(although their big titty broads are a sight to behold.) No, the fact is, if the artist had been around during Dr. Freud's time she would have been a clinical case for his studies on schizophrenia. I haven't heard, as I have chosen to ignore her twisted world, but has she Van Goghed an ear yet? That would seem to be the next natural progression in her downward spiral into darkness.

Kind regards,