Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cowboy Dressage


It is a small world. Six months ago I found the clip above on you tube, and was amazed at the performance of the horse which I learned was a Morgan. I was very impressed at the ease in which the horse "spun" of of the spins, and changed direction with ease, softness and forwardness, with out being stopped to relax and gather himself as is normally seen in reining. I sent the clip to Madame Col. Olds Rossi, with the note, "can you believe this shit!!!!! I am amazed at the softness and athletic ability that this rider has developed in a Morgan." She emailed back and informed me that the trainer was a very good friend of hers from California named Eitan Beth-Halachmy and the horse was Holiday Compadre. Yesterday Madame Col. send an email with the bad new's from Eitans wife, that Eitan had suffered a heart attack(see link below). I want to send this amazingly skilled cowboy my best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery, and a return to the saddle which he sit's with such class and ease. I want to also wish Madame Col. best of luck at the World Equestrian Games, which opened Saturday and close October 10th. Have a safe journey and knock em dead, Dianne. Below is another clip of Eitan with his beautiful Saddlebred Galahad's Golden Warrior and also a perfomance sang by Michael Martin Murphy. Eitan has some great clips on you tube if you type in Eitan Beth-Halachmy showing the "inside of a horse" and explaining how the parts of their body work to produce the amazing things that they do. I have advocated that kind of understanding to you wild animal trainers for years, "train what you can't see, by understanding how the "inside" works. Don't look at the head reaching for the meat when you are training it to sit up. Comprehend how the hips set the base, push into the lower spine(croup) which lifts the back, which lifts the shoulder, which sets the neck, which tips the head(poll) into a perfect, balanced, strong situp, instead of a sad hanging sit up with just the back, neck and head streaching up with the feet hanging down."


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