Friday, June 4, 2010

Kelly Miller Circus

David Orr and John Ringling North II above, and the Kelly Miller cook house below.

Courtesy of David Orr


dpowhitetiger said...

Kelly-Miller May 29, 2010 Cook House Hancock,MD. Decorated in Honor of Memorial Day by Forepaugh-Lubin Tent. Seated at the table Carla Ogle, Natalie Cainan,Niki Ogle, baby Georgia Cainan, Casey Cainan, Radar, Bill Rector. Brian LaPalme,chef cooked for 83 performers and fans. Barry Lubin Tent supplied cake and iced cream, sodas and frozen water bottles. American Flags were the theme of the day..

dpowhitetiger said...

John Ringling North II had just informed me that he would be in Peru, IN on July 24,2010 for the Induction of his father Henry Ringling North Induction into the Circus Hall of Fame. Later on in September will be one of CFA Convention Grand Rapids,MI Speakers.....No doubt he is what Kelly-Miller is all about.