Thursday, May 13, 2010

Luis and Marsha Palacio with Jim Clubbs Mixed Act--Blackpool Circus--1988


John said...

At one point during this season, Luis was attacked by one or more of the tigers, and saved by ringmaster Norman Barrett.

Wade G. Burck said...

I always understood it was a male lion that attacked him, quite severely. Interesting about Norman Barrett, I have never heard that. Wasn't Marsha in the cage with him when the attack occurred? Could you elaborate? Possibly Jim Clubb could offer insight.

Anonymous said...

Luis was attacked in 1986 in blackpool by à Malé lion of jim clubb. Emile Smith took The lions over for The rest of The season. Later Larry allen Dean and John campolongo worked them. But The Lionel who attacked luis called bianco was taken out. Luis worked this mixed group from 1988 until 1993. Before hè presented lions and tigers for jim clubb and hè also had presented horses and other animals at his own family circus.

gazrob said...

I believe that Luis was attacked during the 1986 Tower Circus season, byy one of Jim's lions from the all male group. Jim himself took over presentation of the act, until Emile Smith was available to take over presenting for the remainder of the season.
P.S I'm a UK circus fan who has followed Wade's blog for some time now and have finally got around to posting a comment :)

gazrob said...

I have a large collection of photographs I have taken on UK shows over the years, and about time these were shared. Thanks Wade for the inspiration to create a blog...and where better to start than with Jim's lion group, currently being discussed. Gary

Wade G. Burck said...

Nice start on your blog. I am confident you will enjoy it greatly and find it time consuming, but very rewarding. I would like to correspond with you further. My email is

gazrob said...

Many thanks, I appreciate your comments. My email is