Sunday, May 16, 2010

Lincoln Park Zoo

Youngsters from the DePaul Settlement House at the welcoming party for Elka the elephant. Elka was the little pachyderm who starred in the movie "Hatari". Afterwards she was donated to the Lincoln Park Zoo by Paramount Pictures. The party celebrates Elka's move from the winter quarters to the outdoor children's zoo. Sister Stella and waiter Edward Angel of the Pump Room watch with the youngsters as Elka helps herself from her own paper plate on May 5, 1962.

1 comment:

Jim A said...

Elka joined a small male Asian named Mogul on display at the Children's Zoo "backyard". At night the young elephant would be kept at the Small Mammal House where "Judy", the old female Asian, was kept in the winter. The little guys weren't at the LPZ too long.

Several zoos received animal from the Hatari movie. St. Louis got a pair of colobus monkeys. There were two other elephants, don't know where they went. A project for some zoo historian.